Underwhelming?? I’m whelmed thank you.

Yeah, I’m popping in and out, what’s up?

talk to me more about these since you are here
Which posts are making you lean certain ways? Can you try to figure out why?

wow say his name and he arrives


Tbf notify and they appear

i reskimmed magnus’s iso and i would still shoot them befire achro 100 times out of 100 tbh

it feels like all their stances are really soft and noncommital, like they’ll call a few people town but there’s zero attempts to find a real scumread from what i can tell

i have reservations about achro but i am at least willing to let him cook

btw PSA for anyone if u want to kill me dont do it tommorow since ill probably be busy most of the day and wont be doing shit gardening season is in full swing

or if you do make sure its LYLO so i dont have to do shit


Technically litten will not stop me from cooking. Only himself.

In all honesty, I don’t know enough to definitively say one way or another.

lol talks a fair bit about “finding town” but there’s no strategy behind their words. Feels a bit vague to me.

The other two I’m not that sure on. Social vibes are hard.

oh and side tangent kiruma seems a bit too calm for being this confident achro is scum

bark does not match the bite for me

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Literal what changed

Sir did you think you would be shot

yes yes etc i’d just rather not shoot you right away if you are town

I mean yeah it would change if you had the gun obvi i scumread you, idc to work with hypotheticals until somrthing actually happens though

i wa sgonna quote more but i hate playing this game on mobile

I sitkl think magnus is town and i jsut read a post about them being aoft whixh is true but i tjink its their usual

litten has good reads methinks so they probably got this

Kiiruma is just a wolf

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The progesssion from their first town read to this just feels so incredibly slimy, I don’t actually buy this is town, it just feels like mafia pushing an agenda here.

The thing that I’ve been looking for in particular on day 1 is aggression.

Popcorn mafia is a setup that heavily discourages it for wolves. There will probably be a wolf that still manages to slip through the cracks, but it’s <rand to have two or more wolves going out being all aggressively pushing town who are liable to just snapshoot them in return.

YoubutWorse feels super hands off this game. Her defense of Magnus in #488 is just very light touch.

In addition to it being a light touch, I don’t feel any genuine interest in diverting attention of of Magnus. It feels more like a wolf with TMI on a slot that is getting widely scumread, looks like a potential shot, and wants to just pop in with some towncred on it.

But if you ignore that read - you can’t put aside the fact that it’s still just not getting into the thick of anything from YBW.

She backs up her townread on Magnus in #495 by saying that it’s because Achro is pushing there and she scumreads Achro.

So let’s look at that scumread on Achro - it’s just. so. soft! Where is the conviction on it? Where is the desire to actually flip Achro? I’m just not feeling any of that.

Even her suspicion on me feels very restrained, she thinks I’m super wolf, and yet isn’t bothering to steer the thread in that direction at all?

Classic wolf who is just content to go with the flow and not get their hands dirty in a gamemode where dirty hands gets punished.

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i use she her btw

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