Oh lord i have seen this before

So I’m here to see everything going down the rails.

i’ve been shuffling names in notepad trying to find an arrangement that feels right





i again refuse to be intimidated by bluster

Kiiruma top town for you as well! Surprising.

I am tring ybw. Whats your take there?


This slot just feels like teflon in my brain.

I hardly remember anything about him, the people getting townreads on him feels so bizarre since I really do not see what they’re seeing. And they also have chosen to not elaborate at all lmao.

I’m putting him in orange because like, he also showed up for the hands sitting competition, lacks any sort of fire. Takes some pot-shots at Achro, but t hat’s about it. This is my least confident positioning of the list.

i had him closer to the bottom and shuffled him back up because because even though his explanation for his CD read was faceplanty it felt like townie moonlogic

but i’d be lying if i said i felt super confident on any particular townread though

i had a post on YBW i can try to find but in the way in particular she was popping in to defend people didn’t sit right with me

Why is icet town

research suggests his play here is closer to his town game and those who have experience with him seem to verify that

I am highly amused by the fact that our reads lists are near identical except for Icet

why is she maf


Null, shouldn’t have signed if he didn’t want to play popcorn smh


so when you said im towny saying that icedt town tunneling is good you agreed with the read but not the conclusion?

Ngl, I thought you were talking about Achro, but I liked that thought process and angle, since it’s a good way to find town in popcorn IME

Is icet tunneling though? It feels like a push with no fire in it, not what I’d call a tunnel

meta reads are gross

I appreciated that icet came in trying to kill me after genie but i havent noticed him much lately

@IcetFeelsPain come play more

i think dedicating a majority of your iso on pushing one guy, even if it doesnt have the fire that you would expect, is a tunnel, and even townier if correct in the fact that you not going agressive is less likely to give u townpoints if lets say its a bus. since you would expect someone to go hard in a bus scenario to make it blatant for town. tho if achro is a townie then its probably more wolfy since its not as commited

I like moonlogic i just dont understand why kiiruma’s read would change.

Wtf is moon logic

could apply similar logic to kiruma but in kirumas case i dont think its towny since when he is convinced in something he goes in and he seems a bit flaccid in his approach