Talk to me about this. What do you mean no strategy?

What even does this mean?

The joke just helps.


also you said other too, too hard
but something made you feel more about achro than Madeline

Preferably don’t shoot Nuto though, Litten.

you know this will sound really insane but i took a quick look at the readlist and thought you were also scumreading catbae

i agree he should shoot you instead

Catbae was one of the central causes for one of the only mislynches i have suffered the last decade so i took notes on what went wrong.

He doesnt play nice with others but he is a good player. Responds to provokations with unreasonable but effective aggression. Solves well if left to his own devices. Surmised could be caught napping if scum if you gave him a middling town read and waited for him to forget about you.

I think he is comfortably within my expectations for townbae, but i am aware he is good.

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Alright well? Who do you guys want me to hand the gun off to? Corrupt?

i have TMI on my alignment which is pretty wolfy

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If he wants to shoot me, he’d better write a last will beforehand.

I would much rather kiiruma be shot over cd. I think scum kiiruma spews cd town but also i kind of dont want to go from you to cd because i think the game is demoralized if he isnt a hit.

controversial take but i would be fine with it

I’m not sure why people would be worried about CD slanking with the gun when he’s probably going to end up being replaced anyway.

replacements don’t happen until 2 gun rotations

I am not worried about cd slanking.

I am worried what he would do with it tbh

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Huh, nevermind.

i think shoot a wolf


Why do the slanking rules apply every 2 days? Huh? Surely that’s an oversight and not intended?

Tbh litten i dont think catbae or madeline know kiiruma as well as we do.