Well, anyone can say what we should do, but what’s the point of pontificating without a plan? (I couldn’t help myself alliteration is fun)

As for what the plan should be… I think Madeline’s got a good system going of making a case for/against each person. The pretty text helps too.

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handing my gun to sounds like a declaration of defeat tbh

thats weak as shit

How do you know he doesn’t have a plan

You thought he would shoot you, right? Or were you worried he’d random shoot?
I didn’t get that vibe from his time in the thread, he seemed kinda lost.

my plan is stealing everyones reads and going with the consensus

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Damn they’re good…

i have never hit a vigilante shot on mafia, except in lylo
popcorn on discord doesn’t count
i have cause to be concerned about me being given a gun this easily

I dont think his leadership style meshes well with a chill game environment.

i say trust your gut

i was a vigi in champs and shot the consensus wolf that was asking for death instead of my spicy scumread

i regretted it so much and we ended up killing 0 wolves

ive played a few times with him here but youve been more active than me obv

you might be right abt the confidence level but /shrug

He’s a leader archetype? I’d have to see it to believe it.

the way to see if Kiiruma is wolf is you look at their readlist and if it has a lot of wolves >rand wolf

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I’d shoot YBW here

this is a joke I’m sorry kiiruna
but you also know that you TMI the shit out of ur teammates as mafia

One day Kiiruma’s just going to have the godsolve and then die in LELO.

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I’m in class

Litten, how do you feel about a YBW shot?

I am delighted to see kiiruma agreed with me about magnus tbh

pretty terrible honestly, from my point view

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