Prehistoric Purgatory - Game Over: Town wins

Yes that’s true, but that’s kinda been the difference in your two games?

Last couple of games you were town, whether you were super active or barely posting, you were at least posting stuff that was moving the game forward, like reads.

The one game that I subbed into, you were a wolf and you spent the entire time talking about “I can’t come up with reads right now, I’m having an incredibly hard time coming up with reads” and you were just placeholding yourself and you ended up locktown to someone’s legacy as they died.

Granted when this initially started, you did a bit of placeholding and not answering anything that helped with reads or anything else. And when asked you would hold up for something like getting music.

You finally did a thing, which I said is a positive for you.

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getting music doesn’t take much time though

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too be fair I did do game stuff, like putting a read on jake out by talking with wind

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Don’t remember, I just remember you just constantly not doing anything read related or talking about not having reads.

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Reading these has made me actually pay attention to Wazza, and I think she’s town.

I don’t think the mindset of prioritizing heaven phase over hell phase is “good” either (because if we send mafia to hell, then we’re forced to either keep sending more to hell, or risk a JDS with 3 town martyrs). However, I do think it is towny for them to be open about this mindset.

How come? Shouldn’t we get rid of the scummy low posters first so that end game won’t become a silent forest?

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I totally disagree with your mindset, because sending a town low poster to heaven can be and will be detrimental if Judgement Day ever happens.

What nonsense are you on about with “sending low posting town to hell helps mafia”? Unless the mafia is in a favorable position among the high posting town, then the mission of the mafia should be getting rid of the town with high thread prescence (i.e. post count) and high thread control (i.e. “charisma”).

True. True. With that in mind, do you have anyone in mind whom you want to send to hell?

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Okay. I’ve read enough.

/vote Lucky @Host_Account_1

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…okay, time to actually read the details.

I got told by other people that I not only talk too fast, but apparently oversimplify things as well.

So, I’ll try to migitate that flaw now.

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I can boil most of the first half down to “Seth being Seth”, but the lack of substance on Trochi and the disparity of treatment between Kiiruma and Gorta are indeed weird.

To be blunt, I don’t like the use of sarcasm in someone else’s ISO, when the person they ISO is scumreading them as well.
It just gives a haughty vibe for literally no reason.

Lucky, pardon my lack of English comprehension, but what is it that Rue did in the quote you posted?

Maybe because sending town to hell doesn’t matter much as long as we can also keep sending town to heaven?

It’s not exactly Aelin’s point to send only low posters hell, but I’m curious:
Why do you think shooting at only the low posters wouldn’t give us a good shot at the wolves?
You imply that not many or none of the wolves are among the low posters, but how would you know that?

And you are forgetting that we are realists and pessimists. The fact that “you want wolves be sent to hell” doesn’t mean “you get wolves be sent to hell”.

I agree with the notion that we should probably pay more attention to who we want to send to hell than talking about Heaven Phase, but the keyword is “should”.
We had gotten 48 hours to burn, and we still have 36 hours as of this post, so talking about the future isn’t going to harm Hell Phase discussion too much, especially since it’s technically still early game.

Ah, so your point was not the fact that Hell Phase should be about whom to send to hell. I guess only Porscha paid attention to that.

See the thing is: If you can imagine a bad-case-scenario where a mafia can be sent to heaven, then how come you are not imagining one where a town gets sent to hell? Because this is pretty much what Wazza and I are talking about.

See, the thing is: I never recall Aelin saying that she wants all low posters to be sent to hell. IIRC she only said scummy low posters.

In other words, I believe that the foundation on your case is wrong in the first place.


he hasnt started spamming

/vote aelin @Host_Account_1

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Hard agree


So what is Kiiruma’s position then?
Do we treat Gorta and Kiiruma different because we have different meta on them?

While I was reading this, I suddenly came to a random thought: “Does logic on pre-flipping and association reads really matter when there are 5 mafia in play, two of which they can send to hell because it doesn’t matter as long as three mafia gets sent to heaven?”

I can live with this. I got pocketed by Lucky before, so this time I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen again.

If we send a town to hell now, then we’d either need to “get better luck and/or reads, and send mafia to hell next time” or “keep sending town to both hell and heaven so we can activate Judgement Day ASAP”.

Well, in all honesty, it’s not as if Judgement Day is destined to happen. We could win as well, and the more town & mafia are alive, the more options the town martyrs have to pick a mafia.

ftr stuff like this is always a bad way to tell people what to do 89% of the time its setting up a tunnel

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seth is probably mafia lmao

/vote lucky @Host_Account_1

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i will be busy for a while so not a lot of reading from me should be able to spam up to the required post count quite easily but useless for a bit so just send me to heaven thanks

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How come you mention me and Brad when it’s been only Wazza and Aelin (and Lucky) who have been voting you?
For the record, IIRC both my and Brad’s stance on you is neutral.



[Find out, in the next game I rand town and do the same thing I do in this game!]

Yes, I complained about the setup.
What about it?
Do you see me complain now?
Did you not read the fine print?

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I honestly missed Wazza’s thing on me as it was from an initial skim.
And Lucky… well, I’ve given up trying to apply logic there

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