Prehistoric Purgatory - Game Over: Town wins

Hm… Fair enough.


I did give reads that game, it was more of a continuous read that game

as much as I hate to say it I could see you doing this as town and people complain about how I play

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IDK how you play (I already forgot about your last game), but I don’t see how your issue is my problem.
What is my problem, is the fact that you are implying -whether it be directly or indirectly- that I only talk about the setup when that is not the case.

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the part about how you know it’s not useful, but you do it anyway

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I threw my vote on you because I wanted to vote someone who hadn’t been in the thread yet

/vote Lucky @Host_Account_1

However, this is my best vote here, Lucky seems to be questioning people’s reads so heavily while not providing any content themselves, their posts just seem to be…there to say the least and honestly if they’re going to provide nothing of value apart from “okay but why do you townread this” “okay but I don’t townread this” “why do you townread this” constantly then I’m fine with their death.

@Lucky Why don’t you townread me? You’ve been very insistent on you not townreading me and you’ve been saying it to players yet you haven’t stated any reasoning no matter how many times people state their read on me to you.

Also, what’s your obsession with this post of mine:

For some reason out of all my posts you seem to love including it in what you quote when I’ve already made it clear it was a jokepost because of what Aelin said, going to look back into his posts if Lucky flips today

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Yeah, so what?
People talk about useless stuff all the time.

So I repeat again: What the heck is your point?

You look at me. You see something you don’t like. You point that out. You leave it be.
I see the thing you don’t like. I don’t like that you don’t like it. I point it out. We are here.

My issue with your issue is the fact that “even if you don’t think it is an issue” you still present it as one.

I was curious about the setup, so I started the topic. I am not talking about the setup anymore because I know that talking about it further would clog the thread.
The topic has died, but now you are bringing it up again “because you don’t like it”.
Now, I don’t know how others would react, but me? I don’t like this.

I hereby formally ask you to stop bringing this up unless you think you can convince others to send me to hell with this info.

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In my defense it’s been months since Iv played and I don’t remember how I used to play entirely lol

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they do, but here’s the deal you are consistently anti town as town, that’s what I’m talking about

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I’m fine dropping it now, but I’ve said what I want to say


Hell 1 - Votecount 6

Vote Target Voted by Votes
Lucky Rue, Zone_Q11, lol, Wazza 4/8
Zone_Q11 SirDerpsAlot, dota, Hippopablompoyeetus 3/8
Kiiruma Aelin, Lucky 2/8
Not Voting BradLand, Gorta, Kiiruma, Porscha, Trochilidae, Moose 6
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I have to go to sleep now

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Man do people actually ISO Dive me or is everyone trying to come up with some BS from Thin Air and throw it at me.
You sound like a worse Rue.

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This is why.

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I don’t know why your voting me.
You know better!

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I think Wazza and Rue are both wolves tbh.

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Also if I die I want my legacy to be known I’m pretty sure Gorta is Town.

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Nah im not clearing gorta got doing like 3 content posts i learned my lesson last game lmao

U shld give a full readslist for ur legacy tho.

/Vote Zone_Q11

Your voting with who I think is wolf.
Wolves aren’t being pushed.
I refuse to allow town to once again lose to the wolves and then complain post game that “OH We DoNT hAvE pLaYeRs LiKe AlIcE” you really don’t need them you just got to play optimally but I guess y’all don’t get that.

Anyway yeah I’m voting Zone because I could be wrong on my initial town read on them but mainly because they are voting with whom I think are wolves. (Other then Debil, I’m not sure why Debil is voting me.)


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