Purgatory - Town Win!

Okay, it’s gonna be 4 soon and I gtg to bed. Later!

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Please do vote me
D2, or D4 specifically

For the record psy / cait evil together

Psy / cait / merpy probably VOTE: Psy

VOTE: Merpy

So you say that I immediately accused both my teammates? Lol

Why am I scummy, then?


You immediently accused both of your teammates

You have played with me

When we were mafia together; where did I place you in my reads? Ah, at the top

Me: I made a decent amount of progress on my homework. Let me check thread to see----

So I’m sus for having the same reads as you? Lmao

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1/2 games
Other game you self hammered and we won due to d1 distancing

Does this game have a Godfather

Do I seem like I’m gonna self hammer this game

In regard to the voting stuff, I didn’t read the rules thoroughly. There’s a heaven and hell phase, and there’s a vote that happens at some point. That’s all I know. Something you should learn about me: I don’t usually read things through fully. I typically skim


Scum cait doenst take this push this seriously tbh

The vote already happens right now

It’s like every game

Hell phase basically is like a day; so in this 48 hours everyone will vote someone (you can change your vote unlimited times) and then at the end of the 48h, the person with the most votes is out

I think I do no matter my alignment

Right, but at least in mountainous, there was like a whole day of discussion and then a vote typically happens toward the end. Am I misunderstanding?

I remember a post from you saying scum doesn’t defend themselves from votes in RVs, which is now imo

I’ve used that ideology in nearly every game I’ve been In