Purgatory - Town Win!

Correct. I do know how the voting works, but I appreciate the explanation! :+1:

I’ve decided your town so I’ll just sheep you
If you’re scum you’re scum w/ psy too so VOTE: Psy

Being sheeped makes me paranoid!!

But at least you supposedly seem to SR Psyx anyway no matter what I say

I’m just replying to this post specifically since it’s the first one I saw outside of Arturo’s (Guava’s). Why am I catching votes? Is it the whole vote thing, or is there something else I missed?

Nah I haven’t read any of there posts

I’ll explain when I get on pc

Why did you say I’m mafia with Psyx then?

I saw psy called you town
You’re calling him scum and I disagree with the read
Textbook distancing

All good. I just want to make sure town discusses their reads. Even if you end up scum-reading me, I still want town to talk about your reads with you, so we can solidify them more. (This applies to all of town)

I say this because I am not going to force you to town-read me. As I’ve said in previous games, blind trust is bad. If you don’t trust me even after we talked it out, that’s fine. I just want to understand why the read is there, ya know?



Anyhoo, I still have a lot of homework. Got slammed with big projects and whatnot this week. I’ll try my best to check in!

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Im going to wait a bit to vote and scum people myself (´∀`=) we have 24 hours and im not going to be able to really focus until after the festivities

Hello again, my dear Sirs and Sirettes. Before I engage in your devilish mayhem, I can’t help but feel endeared by Merpy’s lighthearted posts, which contrast her vibes from her last game.

In that game, she was a ruthless analytical businesswoman - ready to trample anyone and anything to maximize her profits. As we were all biting our nails in DVC as the last seconds of the clock were ticking in the F3 LyLo, waiting for her game-deciding vote - she was calm, collected, cool. Surely - a coldblooded reptillian.

To my delight, she is very goofy, adorable, dare I say child-like in some of her posts here.

Truly, there is only one possible image that captures my perception of her.

Kim Jong Un’s daughter, running late for her first day of work as the new dictator, with a freshly toasted piece of bread for breakfast.



Lmao I love this head-canon. I think as I play more games, I’m developing more of my style. The goofiness is coming to the surface as I become more comfortable conversing with everyone here! I still type formally, but I do like to make jokes and goof off from time to time. This is a really good observation though! Compared to last game, I am a lot more expressive early game. :+1:


Hey uh guys?
It’s 24hrs for Hell
24hrs for Heaven
And then 24hrs for break

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Wonderful vote!

I am ashamed to say this, but I feel particularly lazy at the moment, and reading the thread sounds like too much burden for my poor, gentle, and frail body.

May I kindly impose on you, my wonderful friend, the obligation to do a detailed catch-up for me?

What I require from you is:

-Detailed analysis of everyone that has posted thus far
-Conclusion derived from past meta of everyone involved
-Possible w/w and not w/w pairings, with ranked strength of confidence. I generally prefer them ranked 1 to 5 (with 5 being the strongest), but as I am feeling particularly easygoing today, I shall let you rank them 1 to 10 as well (with 1 being the weakest), should you prefer.
-Any particular posts that stand out, or in other words, uncharacteristic for players to have posted
-Any major or minor events that have happened thus far, ordered from least important to most important

I shall be in the mood to play Mafia in about an hour, as I am now preparing for my sponge bath. Feel free to leave your report to me at my desk. Additionally, I give you the permission to ping me when you post it.

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I feel like Tutuu and I swapped personalities from last game XD


What rush duels do to a person

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