Purgatory II - TOWN VICTORY!

None of the people voting you rn are on alts don’t try to drag us into this girl

Yeah and that’s fine, I’m okay with you pushing us for that reasoning.

I love my ghost type polemon

Like you got clocked that’s on you idk

I am an edgy fuck

You’re just looking for an easy mislynch


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Yes it is 100% townie as scum we try ot project towniness and respond to things when asked since thats what good town do and we as scum know that
I answered your quetsions please look you need 3 scum dead to go to hell phase the point about achro not being in there 3/3 was litten and was disconnected from what I said so pushing me is really fucking stupid

Both daisy and you expressed interest in wanting to get us executed.

please learn how to play

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Ate (the twitter term not the fm term)
VOTE: Bionic

This was your explanation for me before Luka. Not what you just gave me


see that wasnt me

However. This makes sense. It feels like everyone is being opportunistic on this slot due to a miscommunication

If you are town you’re just making a bad push, like, you barely had info on me it was just a few messages


This is going to get us killed but I don’t like how Captain went from wanting to get us dead, to voting mimic, to voting bionic, I don’t think they care about what is actually hapening.

This was said very early on, and yet “L” was chosen as the sign-off name. I am sorry if this was a genuine oversight, but I’m having a hard time believing both users in the Hydra did not realize both of their names started with L and why it was a problem. Especially now that they’re being asked why they chose that sign-off and all that happened was:

This did not answer any suspicions about the sign-off. To me, it feels like you guys are wolfy trying to blend your behaviors together out of fear of one person in your party acting wolfy. You don’t want to give yourselves away, so you’re trying to act together as much as possible by keeping your sign-offs confusing. Your lack of transparency isn’t trustworthy.
I want to trust you, but I am having a hard time doing so:

^This doesn’t feel townie considering what has proceeded it. I asked you why you are signing off abnormally and why you trust me, but neither has been addressed. It’s okay if you haven’t seen them, but please address those first at least before making these types of comments

That’s because there isn’t…
I posted about a Princess Shokora, that’s probably what Toad remembers, but I’m not her.