Purgatory - Town Win!

So you say that I immediately accused both my teammates? Lol

Why am I scummy, then?


You immediently accused both of your teammates

You have played with me

When we were mafia together; where did I place you in my reads? Ah, at the top

Me: I made a decent amount of progress on my homework. Let me check thread to see----

So I’m sus for having the same reads as you? Lmao

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1/2 games
Other game you self hammered and we won due to d1 distancing

Does this game have a Godfather

Do I seem like I’m gonna self hammer this game

In regard to the voting stuff, I didn’t read the rules thoroughly. There’s a heaven and hell phase, and there’s a vote that happens at some point. That’s all I know. Something you should learn about me: I don’t usually read things through fully. I typically skim


Scum cait doenst take this push this seriously tbh

The vote already happens right now

It’s like every game

Hell phase basically is like a day; so in this 48 hours everyone will vote someone (you can change your vote unlimited times) and then at the end of the 48h, the person with the most votes is out

I think I do no matter my alignment

Right, but at least in mountainous, there was like a whole day of discussion and then a vote typically happens toward the end. Am I misunderstanding?

I remember a post from you saying scum doesn’t defend themselves from votes in RVs, which is now imo

I’ve used that ideology in nearly every game I’ve been In

In normal mountainous games you also already should be able to vote in the first hours of the game

Imo that’s usually the case yea

But I’m not like other players tbh

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MerpyDerpy (2): guavagudetama, Luka
no execution (1): tutuu
Psyx (1): Caitlin

Not Voting (5): PrincessAbigail, Psyx, DolefulDetective, Ritsu, MerpyDerpy

Currently this is the votecount, Merpy

So as you can see several players already voted

Tutuu’s vote is invalid however smh Tutuu

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Okay yeah that’s what I thought. Got confused bc it seemed like the time got shortened or something. Thank you for clarifying! :+1:
