Purgatory - Town Win!

Going to reply to this and have you refer to my second most recent post (in relation to this one). I talked about my approach on read lists and an estimate of when I’ll make a read list

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Very petty first statement but why not actually vote them here? I don’t see anything wrong with that given its your first post in this game. Petty but regardless

Not a massive fan of taking that seriously or even suggest NLing. NL here is kinda always suboptimal.

Another weird post, given of course if a townie was sent(dont accuse me of TMI) that would lower it. Making content w/o making content.

Bit hesitant on this but I dont love the post. If they as a town member got a vanilla role, it isn’t a large assumption to say that its all vanilla roles, especially since this is a vanilla setup.
At the same time this post is also townie, since I think scum would pay more attention to the setup
So basically im hedging my bets
Id say this post leans towards town though TwT

No, votes happen pretty much always. Whoever dies happens towards the end.
Please vote whom you think is evil.

Weird post when you havent given a single read this thread.

Alot of the content at this point was AI. All the early game silliness has far evaporated. So weird post pretty much.

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So far, merpy has felt like attempting to exude a townie minset while doing nothing productive. Even so far as asking me to explain why is weird when they’ve glossed over nearly everything else. Of course they would be more curious since it revolves them, but regardless. Either wa,y the slot is really weird right now.

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Hell Phase 1 Read: Luka
I have to do each read individually because, for some reason, the collapse menu is being weird. I’m sorry in advance. I will at least make it not as bad by making a collapsible menu for each post. Filter my messages to see all my reads. (They all aren’t out at the moment).
Please note that this read list is subject to change

Luka: Scum-Lean


He tries to get Caitlin to vouch for him early on, but he gets shut down. Yes, I know this isn’t a direct vouch, but claiming that someone can town-read you on D1 feels like you’re planting a seed in the back of someone’s head that you’re town. If Caitlin starts to scum-read Luka, he may bring this up and even use it as ammo to fire back at her. Although this vouch claim did not work, it was still attempted. It doesn’t feel townie to me tbh. Especially given the nature of this game specifically is for wolves to look as townie as possible.

This is where I address Luka on their read without any support for it, and he tells me he will elaborate when he gets home (which is totally fine).

I interpret this message as they got home when they sent this message.

This is a wall post he made. He did not address his suspicion on me despite claiming to have read the rest of ISO. Despite this, I decided to give him more time.

Later, he continued to scum-read me without an explanation. I’m sorry, but I don’t trust this lack of communication. It feels like they’re being selective with what they address. This concerns me because this is what I do when I’m scum. I pick and choose what I respond to (especially scum-reads) because I do not want to bring unnecessary attention to myself when scum.

In summary, their lack of communication makes them my top scum atm. This is subject to change. It’s possible this was a mistake, but I can’t deny that it’s suspicious.

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Woah! I love the bravado. So much fire, so much cadence. Beautiful music for my ears. This means that I’m townreading Luka more now!


Duel yourselves to death and entertain me, peasants. :smiling_imp:

Hell Phase 1 Read: Tutuu

Tutuu: Town-Lean


They propose no execution due to lack of info early game. I did address this because I misunderstood the rules. Whoopsies lol. This strategy being proposed does feel like they’re trying to solve the game. It feels townie. I could be wrong, but I think it was mentioned by Arturo (Guava) that 2 town being sent to Hell is a game over. I am not fact-checking this statement because of the detailed reads I am doing now. Too much reading makes my head hurt lol.

This isn’t a read, but it’s probably my favorite post from this game so far.

I don’t know if this is normal for Tutuu, but they are portraying the sophisticated persona of an office worker. It feels very light-hearted. I can’t say for certain if it is towny or wolfy as I can see it either way. In this specific instance, I find it townie because Tutuu is calling for more activity from Luka (someone who I don’t trust atm). It gets a green check in my book.

I will admit this vote confused the FUCK out of me. This is the Hell phase. Isn’t the Hell phase for voting people we don’t trust out of the game?

I feel like this could be a wolf trying to start a push on me, but I’d like to believe it is more of Tutuu trying to game solve.

This reply to my quote supports the POV of town Tutuu. They provide evidence from their own experiences to support their claim.

In summary, Tutuu feels like they are trying to solve the game. I feel good about them atm. They’re town-lean for me.
Also, sorry the profile pictures aren’t there for these quotes. I copy and paste them from outside of the website back onto the website because I realized I needed to make these reads separate (bc the collapsible menu issue I mentioned).

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Update to this, oh I guess the profile pictures did show. It just didn’t show up on the preview :thinking:

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Weird post, given I dont think thats what psyx was doing at all. Either feels like a scum trying to distance or a really akward townie.

Cait lock town

So true!!!

[quote=“Caitlin, post:76, topic:6003”]
Would call this a townslip
Scum would never not know this. In the scum channel though there’s usuually a night action if that were to be the case.
I think psyX is a capalbe enough player to fake town slips though so I’m not going to read into it.

I agree with this for the record.

Cait has only done these types of readlists as scum iirc. Funny post.
Other than that the post gives me a townie ping. Wary of cait tho. Very wary.

I never responded to this aptly; nope. I remember at the very least two games where you TRd me SOD1 of vengeful mafia, popcorn mafia. I’m sure there are a few others where you correctly town read me as well.

I want to say this post is townie only if you connect it with future posts. Only if you do that.

If merpy is scum I want eyes on cait

Alot of games I dont try.

Extremely weird given its reasonable for cait to do this. I know they said there’s no GF but they’re defending there meta with a singular scum game I played with them. I’ve only played two where we were paired after all. There was also the game where you / sam were bussing eachother iirc.


Once again, the prior post calling me good is townie if you compare it with this post only. My problem with this post in particular is that cait knows that at the start of alot of games I dont try(her 17p semi-vanilla maifa game she hosted where i just memed d1, except when I wasn’t getting town read then I started trying). She’s comparing it with a past meta of a game when I have plenty of games that I’ve played.

Don’t love this entire read list shown, but obviously im biased. This is an important legacy incase cait flips scum in the future.

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I was very harsh on cait. Alot of posts just gave me townie pings I couldnt explain. Despite this though, with specifically there content, I’ll put them scum lean. Its a mix of Omgus, and alot of awkward posts she knows are false herself. Id still chop merpy over her but if I flip today I want an eye on her.

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Not going to address this. Its a silly read and I dont think its worth addressing.

I forgot I told you that. Simple. My memory is not AI. And, right before posting this, I did address it.
Notably though, in that post, I did not wall post like I said I would do. It was quick reads in order to give the read my general thought process.

This entire post by merpy is Omgus personified. They’re using there own meta to attempt to scum read me and accuse me of being scum. Everybody whos played with me before can confirm I respond to most things, I dont cherry pick. This is especially true as scum.
This is a horrible borderline scummy accusation on me.

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Excellent work, gang. I shall bite my teeth into your freshly baked content later. I appreciate you for the effort!

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I am back to thinking the scum team is Cait + Merpy +1 fwiw

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Hell Phase 1 Read: Caitlin

Cailtin: Town-Lean


Explains rules in these posts and personal experience. I feel like these posts aren’t alignment indicative tbh.

This redirect of conversation feels townie. Especially since D1 is Hell Phase, we need to use all the time we have to productively since we are contemplating exeing during this vote phase. We want to get a hit, so we need all the time we can get. Wolves may try to derail the convo or get us stuck on matters that don’t help us game-solve as much.

I’m a huge fan of early read lists. I like transparency. :smile:

Analyzing Ritsu’s post. This also feels townie. It feels like Caitlin is actively interacting with the game. She didn’t just drop a read post and vanish.

In summary, Caitlin is town-lean. Maybe my top town-lean? Not sure. I haven’t thought about my reads in comparison to one another yet.

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Then why qoute them

Cait will do this as either allignment

Cait has done this as both allignments

In caits 100+ message ISO cherry picks 4 messages to respond to. Decides all of them are townie except a NAI one.

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Am wiped from all social interaction from thanksgiving so amma skim what’s posted and reread later and/or in the morning though seems like alot of stuff being done which is good regardless


lets murder merpy theyre mafia

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ye we already have an outed evil its great

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