Purgatory - Town Win!

Me being this low is a SIN

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I’ll look at this after I finish my reads

Thanks, reads are useful for pairing reasons so take your time

I didn’t particularly pay close attention.

I do like your bravado! I find it rare to see wolves pushing villagers like that.

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Side note, and not related here as I dont have much to add to the argument in its current state, but just logged in to my computer and im never using the mobile app again… but I lose my emoticons on my computer T^T


Fixed your post for you


Why would you like openly state this in thread like giving them either info or taking away a means you could have had to catch wolfs if they did do this…

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I’m gonna exclusively sheep my town reads

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Mine is the best and I demand credit for having easily the best battle theme here

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Abbi am I town

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I am a good Samaritan Townsperson and I believe in transparency and honesty. I have nothing to hide. :3

Hell Phase Read 1: Princess Abigail

Princess Abigail: Null/Scum-Leaning


They seem supportive of voting Luka over. This early on, however, I don’t think it right to declare them as unaligned. Especially since there was no sign of Luka going over this early on.

Also, confused by this vote. Again, isn’t this current vote to send people to Hell?

Is this confusion an act to get a universal town-read person out? I don’t know if this is in Princess Abigail’s personality or not to do this or not, but it’s worth considering the possibility that this was intentional and wolfy.

PrincessAbigail town reads Caitlin hard. I am keeping this here to refer back to late game.

She wants to pocket Dole. Again, not alignment indicative. However, it will likely be a handy tool for later.

I don’t have anything to add to this, but I don’t want to be accused of avoiding certain statements (especially if they involve me). I do agree with Caitlin’s explanation though. However, I understand Abigail’s confusion. Sometimes, messages online can be difficult to interpret. :heart:

Unless I missed something, this and her Cait townread are the only reads that Abigail have had so far.

No elaboration on this does feel a bit odd. If Abigail was town and felt like they should be higher on the list, why wouldn’t they explain why? I’m not saying Abigail has to write an essay defending themselves, but I am surprised that it wasn’t called out at all in a non-joking way. It feels like Abigail subconsciously knows the low read is right, so she just took the hit and didn’t defend. That’s just my interpretation though. Again, this plays into my suspicion of lack of communication/transparency. In summary, they are teetering between null (not having a lot of reads atm; mainly rule interpretations) and scum-lean (weird interaction to an accusation).

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I see that Merpy is still being Merpy and I will be hard pocketed by her pureness… cool



Psyx didn’t explain that until a later post


wait that’s so embarrassing
Luka: Caitlin has a 100% readrate on me
Caitlin: I just always say you’re scum though
Luika scum points going up

oh this is an awful post
VOTE: Luka
“this post is something she only does as scum but it’s also townie” no what
it feels like you’re trying to shade Caitlin while simultaneously pocketing her
Luka scum points SKY ROCK ET ING

continues to not explain
scum points up
like I know you made that wall on Merpy but.

obviously nai

if it’s really that suboptimal I don’t think Merpy pushes it as wolf

jumping her for not being able to see through Psyx’s eyes

jumping her for not reading OP

this was fine actually but this also isn’t sus on her

shading her (even though I laughed you ate her up here)

this was a good point I think
but it might just look good because it’s next to whatever the rest of this wall was

this still feels like trying to make other people suspect her while also trying to pocket her
you can’t do both


oo! let’s ParticleMan this! Put me in, Coach!

I’m onto you.


based rule of 3 or whatever
and it aligns with
wait no it doesn’t
you’re town
does that mean tutuu is town
wtf is tutuu doing


off the top of my head I have no clue
I would have to read strat15 again



I’ll probably see that later

well someone just went below you but also that top 5 was really just in the order I thought to write them down LOL
you were all at about the same level for me until I read Luka’s more recent posts

well you’re town (praying) so that’s fine

I haven’t read a damn thing about the set up but this is clearly a joke because there is no night kill right?

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Are they?

You make it very hard for me to not be paranoid of you Tutuu


This scares me because I was actually like oh that is actually towny but than you said it which means you know it’s towny which means you could just be saying it to get town read.

But… fuck it.

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