Purgatory - Town Win!

Oh god are we gonna do the “everyone feels towny so Abbi is a wolf” thing for a 2nd game in a row.

Wait shit that was right last time.

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I wanna stab stab stab

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Im joking that its something she’s only done as scum, since its something sam sad at one point. Ive seen her do it as town

I didn’t see that. That was just obvious lol


LMFAO how is a obvious joke scummy?

I so wanna OMGUS you rn

Bro I explained


What??? So wolves dont push townies since its suboptimal???

Correct lmfao, if you cant think of something obvious and you respond to it of course it comes off as scum feigning threa dcontribution

Genuine question are you reading my posts before calling them evik?
Did you se e"Id say this post leans toward town though TwT" and the end?


Yes I am??? Because I think she’s evil???

Nah. If I was trying to pocket her I wouldve crowned her for early thread contribution, called her stance on me townie, and probably gotten a few other townie posts.

No youre just dumb town

Literally didn’t even read my posts so shut up

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Me saying shut up is mean
Im sorry
What I shouldve said was “Literally didn’t even read my posts so dont bother speaking”


I’m quoting this post but this is about your 2 previous posts. I don’t remember you being this serious and read heavy in the other game I played with you where you were town and I hard defended you. Am I wrong to feel like your playing wholly different from that game?

Cait is obv town but why do people keep using the worst posts in her iso to drop town reads on her…

Luka / Tuu / Abbi / Guav

Psy / Merpy / Cait

Ritsu / Detective

I will not explain every one of these. Maybe later.

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its a joke

Uhh… she’s defs done them as town. I won’t go find them though cause I don’t care enough lol.

Hell Phase 1 Read: Psyx

Psyx: Null/Scum-Lean


This was in relation to Arturo (Guava) voting Luka. It’s NAI tbh. It feels like a surface-level question.

I’m getting deja vu to my scum game where I asked a bunch of hypotheticals to substitute for reads/content, and then Arturo called me out for it LMAO. @guavagudetama vouch? (or don’t if u don’t want to)

Setting another hypothetical and forcing a town POV. I don’t typically trust those things. (Again, this is my way of suspecting individuals. These are things I look for when I look for scum).

Another hypothetical.

This is the only read I’m seeing from them. It’s very possible I missed something. Although I don’t trust them, they did make it very apparent that they were not very available today (good communication).

My proof of good communication. They made it very clear they wouldn’t be as available today. I don’t necessarily trust them, but I would like to hear more from them.

Another joke.

Oh… oh okay yeah this is bad lol

lmao no

Merpy is town.


lmaooo okay

To be clear I don’t agree with the vote. But she’s town

Mmmm so yummy and towny lol

Nah they are not W/W they are T/T and are gonna hard bury this thread with omgus and tunnel vision and they should stop doing that.

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it wasn’t obvious but okay


I was trying to say like
if it’s so obviously suboptimal why would she ever say that
cuz when a scum pushes a townie
it’s usually not obvious that the townie is town


oh I misread it LOL mb

I just wanted to point it out again cuz it was funny


I read them I just don’t think the point got across to me LOL
cuz I feel kinda dumb after reading this wall
but maybe that’s because you were putting me down

I got that nw
good to clarify though keep the habit

I did but that’s because it’s your scum meta
I see Psyx do this as town a lot
though tbh I’ve never played against w!Psyx so


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