Purgatory - Town Win!

That’s cause I’m goated

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If she’s town she both has selective bias with what she responds to and a extremely poor push on me. Even her reasoning doesn’t add up, and she doesn’t respond to anything of what I say. And me dismissing her reasons and calling them scummy, which is objectively true since they’re garbage, if she finds that scummy as town im genuinly lost

I know i keep on tunneling on this, but to be fair to me ive pointed out other things that asre scummy. Despite this, I am once again bringing up the ideology for her push on me. If you look at it, it boils down to 2 things

Reasoning number 1. Me not being free enough to fully ISO a person. If I want to explain why she’s scum, Im going to ISO her. Simple as that. She decides to push me for being busy, and pushing them in return. This read is purely rooted im OMGUS and nothing else on this matter, which solidied my logic. They’re both beliitlig and dismissing my posts, which is behavoir you dont see from town

Reasoning number 2. Playing for town cred. This is something cait accused me of earlier, and im going to accuse merpy of the same thing. Especailly pre-read lists, they kept on going on about reads and how we need to progress the game. Despite this, they did nothing corrilated to it, or trying to actually progress the game. The only thing they’ve done is the read lists of recent, and I’ve already explained why 2 of them are riddled with selection bias and poor reasoning. They also have downright bad reasons for calling people town, IE: Posting a read list, which is something both me and cait have done before as scum and can do as town.

I dont see the core pushes coming from a town member or a town ideology.

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To try to act like they’re contributing to discussion towards the gamestate. It was kind of taking a neutral stance, saying they’re not sure. So they’re not really pushing it, they did say it was good in the other agme they played. So I dont think this logic really works.

What does this mean im also dumb

Sorry. It was really mean of me

except can you unvote me now, I dont like being top wagon at 3

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You are, I love wolfing with you

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VOTE: Merpy
I should really pay more attention to whom im voting tbh

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Ill stop pushing them as soon as they develop a half decent read on me thats not just omgus

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For the record, after cross-analyzing abbis ISO with the handy dandy wall post I have, I have decided that she is lock town

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@princessabigail town core list please

Hell Phase 1 Read: Arturo (Guava)

Arturo: Town-Lean


(To save you the time, this section isn’t a read. It’s my thoughts on the post. Read if you want): I’m seeing this now when re-skimming. It’s NAI, but wouldn’t this just like confirm that town loses the game? It’s like 2 misvotes and we’re done, so I feel like sending at least a single mafia to heaven gives us some wiggle room. I’m not the best with math, but I’ll explain my thought process: If it is 2 town misvotes to Hell loses, then we could send someone to Heaven to confirm like 2F1s. Although it isn’t ideal, we are okay if we send exactly 1 scum to Heaven. It basically gives us 3 votes to work with rather than 2. I very well could be wrong here. I’m going off of my understanding of events currently. Feel free to correct me!

This silly early-game interaction made me laugh. I want to bookmark it.

Was this vote in relation to the confusion about game mechanics?

Although this is something small, it feels townie that this got addressed. I have filtered like 4 ppl’s messages, and I didn’t see anyone correct this. If other people pointed it out, I’d say it was NAI. But since Arturo was like the only person to mention it, it feels town-lean.

They address Caitlin’s read. Once again, being very transparent as they give a reason for their lack of activity.

This read list feels very detailed and like there was a lot of thought put into it. Although he does not cite quotes, he utilizes his personal experience with these people to compare their playstyles. I consider that evidence since it is detailed enough that I can understand where he’d get these reads.

I can’t tell if Arturo genuinely wants Tutuu out or not. I am confused because Tutuu is one rank above scum next to me on Arturo’s read list.

I actually didn’t catch this when filtering and skimming through Luka’s message. It’s a valid catch though. In their defense though, it is D1. I will keep this in mind later, but I know for myself, it is very common for reads to flip-flop as posts pop up.

Arturo taking the time to analyze the little scuffle between Luka and myself feels townie. I like seeing other people offer insight into reads and interactions.

In summary, Arturo is town-lean.

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Sorry I should’ve clarified. I’m not trying to get you to vouch for my read on that player. I just wanted you to vouch for my scum meta lmao. My bad for not clarifying :sweat_smile:

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Respectfully, I said I would respond to your posts after I finished my reads…

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no btw



Ah, didn’t see that. Sry. Im being very passive aggressive this game and its honestly not nice of me at all. I probably should have said this earlier but I love your mannerism of posting, even if I hate your actual posts themselves(from a gameplay sense, not from a spectator sense. If I was a spectator I would be rooting for your team to win probably)


But see my problem is it feels LAMIST right?

It feels so much like “I had this idea but look hold on look I’m not doing it right so I must be town!” And from where I’m standing that’s like the only thing I see openly expressing this accomplishing

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Okay so I have abbi / tuutuu that have me as lock town/most likely town
checks notes
We need 4 more people to lock me as town!

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OH okay
from what you said I thought they were pushing it (I read your post but I did not read Merpy’s LOL)

not too much
as in like “that was a little far”

it’s fine you’re right LOL

I still think you’re scum but sure

replying because I just got in a sap game and want to mark where I was for when I come back

I didn’t push you for being busy. You told me you’d give me a read, and you didn’t. I called you sus for several reasons, but the main reason being your lack of communication. Respectfully, if you knew you were busy and wouldn’t be able to give an explanation, why offer it? It feels like you’re getting mad at me when you put yourself in that position.

I don’t want this to become an argument between us, but I’ll be honest, I’m sensing some negative energy that you’re sending my way. I really don’t appreciate it. I am all down for debates, but if you’re going to just treat me like shit, I won’t listen to you. Thanks.


Ah, sorry.

Can you tell me why im scum? Ik this question is normally a scummy thing to ask but I hate having people call me scum w/o telling me why

Respectfully, the reason I didn’t is because I was busy. I wanted to ISO you all at once and I was busy the entire day.

Which was due to me being busy. It isn’t my lack of communication, its my lack of explaining my read on you. The fact that this is the one person youre deciding to tunnel out of the entire game, as well as somebody who is from my pov is town is weird.

Legitimately apologized for being passive agressive the post above this one
If I am directly insulting you / treating you like shit let me know and give me a post and ill apologize for it
I dont think while im playing mafia, I just type, so alot of the time I’m very mean- or at least meaner than I should be.
I do think though, that you are treating me like shit in a sense. I am getting actively scum read for the fact that I didn’t have the time nor effort to write a wall post. Of course im getting annoyed.

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