Purgatory - Town Win!

Kay so I have backread my posts and I just cannot find where I did this
Care to give an example or two?
Im saying your push on me is shit, which it is, but that can be dismissed as gameplay related, its also not treating you poorly.

third time qouting this wow
For the record, this post feels townie. Like town genuinly frustrated. Regardless, I;m still going to call htem scum since it both doesn’t validate what’s said before, and im far to weak to ATE

Hell Phase 1 Read: Dole

Dole: Town-Lean


First post Dole made was them being transparent about availability. Great start!

I love this read from Dole! I had about the same thoughts on Caitlin and Tutuu. I didn’t really see Ritsu’s posts though tbh, so I can’t comment on that part though. (Seeing someone reach a similar conclusion/thought process to me when I know I am town is a checkmark for me. To clarify, I’m not saying anyone who disagrees is scum. What I am saying is that someone having a like-minded thought process could connect to them being the same alignment because they’re looking for the same townie traits).

I really like this post. Plays into like-minded thinking for townies. I get very skeptical of people who sheep, so I trust this read, and I fully agree with their advice. I explain why I vote people anyways, but I think other people should follow this advice and do the same.

A nudge from Dole to get me to give my reads which is totally valid. Players nudging others to get info out is townie.

Love you too! <3

Easily town-lean. With more posts, they may even move up to town-read. I’ve seen nothing wrong with their posts. Granted, they haven’t said too much and have only read 3 people (unless I’m remembering wrong). I may have a bias because I am seeing a lot of myself in Dole’s playstyle. This is like almost identical to how I acted in my first forum mafia game, and I was town.


Tbh this was RVS and not serious at all

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No. I have dyslexia and literally read the post wrong.

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That’s valid, and I kinda figured that. That’s why I said it was NAI. It was too early to make a judgement on alignment. I appreciate your POV on it though! :+1:

Again, thank you for offering your POV! Sorry if my read was disrespectful. I was just trying to make sure both POVs were considered.

@MerpyDerpy is there a reason you always go with leans/null and never a set side?
Noitice in all cases so far that is your conclusion

Meh. I’m not Tutuu I won’t explain how towny I am by quoting my own posts.

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Heya, I’m going to head to sleep. Knee is killing me
Just wanted to say I feel belittled / ignored this thread and its kinda annoying me

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Like if one of your top 3 towns scum reading you makes you cri errytime

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No not rule of 3. Zenon’s Law.

It’s mine! All mine!

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Actually, probably not going to post anymore today probably. Im about to have a mental breakdown over this and I hate myself and I’m already hyperventilating. Might be here before eod

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Where the fuck is there AtE in that post

You should do that and than tell me. Pls. UwU.

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yeah that was a reply to this

I think tutuu has been scummy
+Abbi’s rule of 3 dictates that one of me, tutuu, Luka and herself are scum soooo Luka and tutuu lookin like mighty fine d1 exes

they later said it was a joke
I don’t really have a choice but to believe that

OH LOL well yeah that’s def your scum meta
though now that you’ve acknowledged it after our last game (the vg upick invitational iirc) you’re probably like super aware of it so I can’t really tr you for not doing that

thanks me!



I couldn’t remember the name
I think I call it “Abbi’s rule of three” later


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I can not explain how this is untrue.

Hell Phase 1 Read: Ritsu

Ritsu: Town-Lean


Early read is nice.

I would like to know which 3 posts this was referring to. Just curious is all. I’m not calling this post suspicious.

This isn’t a read. Just a note to self: Ritsu wants to take charge/feels comfortable taking charge of town.

Like-mindedness in thought-processes. These quotes were also just from a really large wall post where they offered their insights into people’s reads. Feels very transparent. I like that.

Transparent once again.

Supporting Dole’s nudge feels townie.

I saw this @ while typing this out actually, so I’ll just address it here. @Ritsu
There are multiple reasons:

  1. I don’t have confidence in my reads, so I don’t like to commit to one side or another until later in the game typically (not always though).
  2. It’s D1. This kinda plays into #1, but it’s Hell Phase 1 (D1). I’m not the type of person that can look at 2 posts from someone and know they’re town/wolf. I need to see evidence build up over time which is why I mentioned that I don’t like to make reads until I have more content to work off of.
    If you have any more questions regarding this, just let me know!

In summary, Ritsu is town-lean. Although I didn’t quote every instance of it, they were actively engaging with people’s reads and offering her own insights. Although they are not as active, they are probably on the higher ends of my town-leans due to transparency and communication.

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