Purgatory - Town Win!

Can you explain me and Guava?

Me cause I’m egotistical. Guava cause I ain’t seein it.

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Can you explain Psy and Cait?

Psy cause I don’t remember anything she’s posted. Cait cause… your wrong.

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Okie dokie it didn’t read like one but that might be my autism speaking.

Copy paste the above

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Done with reads! Man, that was exhausting ;-;


Lmao Yes.

no real

Regardless of my alignment I’m right.

If I’m town this is the type of read I regularly have success with

If I’m wolf I hard spew Merpy town and you should know that after wolfing with me last game.

Either way you should listen to me.

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Pls tldr this I literally can not read blocks of text right now all the letters are just… it’s not working and I don’t really wanna throw this in a word doc so I can break it into smaller sentences so I can actually read it without my dyslexia acting up.

And yes that’s what I usually do to read walls in games and it’s VERY annoying.


Yay. But why I just had mental breakdowns in scum chat all game.


Wait though… you scum read Cait too so why do you need to “pay more attention to who you’re voting?”

Omgus is a buzz word that kills more townies than wolfs.

Someone can have a mutual scum read on you and not be omgusing.

Your both tunneled and wrong. Stop.



That’s it I think

Tutuu is close but I’m paranoid.


Okay this was what i figured was the case

So can you order them mentioned difference in rank in that read on me (i have only skimmed will be reading indepth after)

But even if some same tier that’s fine just noting them could help back reading and not having to read through walls
Get might not be confident but labeling this is helpful for all i think here. Even more people not here atm

I hate when you respomd to things like this…

I love you but this triggers me. Yes I’m a hypocrite.

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wait that makes me scum in Zenon’s Law which is wrong

if you towncore tutuu anyway

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Think i asked others earlyier but like i havn’t talked to you at all Abigail

Luka more read am hedged on atm I feel like they have posts from either side (far towny and far scummy incase confused) what is the dead hard reason you stance here on them? Can link me a post if needed that i should read.

(Also say earlyer saw a vote read does the ratio change that? 33% mafia instead of 20% makes me think that vote based reads don’t work the same as that would have you locking 3 town off that post IE half the town your would have to find if you are town)

It wasn’t your sweet and I love how kind you are with everything. Don’t worry I’m just expressing that so you understand that I was defs not faking it and I can quote the post and explain how my brain mixed up the words to prove it. If you read through the posts you’ll see that once I caught up I went and reread the post and realized I was wrong.

I talk about my dyslexia when its effecting my gameplay but other than that I avoid mentioning it so I wouldn’t expect you to know that so I don’t see how you would and I wanted to explain.

I don’t see how I’m doing this but if I am I’m sorry. I don’t agree with you but I’ve very explicitly responded to much of your content because I town read you.


Oh… that is very confusing when ATE is a mafia term lol