Purgatory - Town Win!

I’m sorry, but how was my question a hypothetical? That was me asking Guava for their general thoughts about Luka’s wolfplay, and not a what-if scenario…??

Guava was asking me about my feelings about going to Hell. What kind of response were you expecting? Or rather, how would you respond?

Merpy, what’s your definition of a ‘hypothetical’? Tutuu asked me about who I thought the NKs would be not too long after the game started, when only 4 people had posted. Ofc I would answer using prior experience I had with wolves? It’s not like I could even use meta, since I’m only familiar with half the playerlist.


shrugs I don’t town read you so technically your right that in my eyes you are the scum in the read.

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Hi I’m Abbi. UwU.

I will pocket you with anime gifs and UwU mafia skills.


My ISO is so barebones I’m honestly amazed someone could squeeze out a read out of it.

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Though you could very much anwser the question there please trying to gather peoples thoughts and way’s of thinking early here.

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A billion years of experience with them. Also the hard drive to bury Merpy is not how he aims we just wolfed together Luka was at points aggressive but mostly passive to the point he would pull off reads at the slightest provocation. Part of why I’m so confidently expressing my Merpy read directly to Luka without much explanation is because I would expect wolf Luka would use my pushback towards him to pull off Merpy saying something like “I trust you so I’m gonna listen to your read here”

Instead Luka is sinking into Merpy more and getting upset that people don’t agree with the read.

That’s towny for him unless him and Merpy are exactly wolf wolf because the only time Luka showed hard confidence in his reads in our wolf game together was during our theatre. However the way Luka is expressing emotion towards Merpy and getting upset by the thread state is not how Luka would behave if this was Theater.


No Zenon’s Law is specifically that the first wagon to 3 votes always contains exactly one wolf within the 4 names. The ratio never changes and its built heavily on how wolfs act subconsciously to the point that in Champs a game reranded after the law was extensively talked about and was correct

And even in the rerand the law was proven correct again even though everyone was acutely aware of it and remembered it being pushed in the first rand

I agree so do you think that’s towny or scummy?

Okay your the second person to give this though yours is in a bit more detail think between yours and Tutuu’s i’ll not worry there this day than

Cait/Dole ~ Town

Merpy/Luka ~ Town Lean Leave today

4/8 ~ That if this is right leaves 1 town 3 wolfs in remaining think posible one in the town lean wrong but shold be atleast a 50% in the remainder (Guava/Abigail/Psyx/Tutuu)

If am missing math lmk but this is current head if people have arguments against someone in here do lmk willing to debate these

Sorry I’m

A. At work so replies are slow

B. I break things into bite size posts to make it easier on me

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Naw your good everyone plays differently I also reply slow and will have a fair share of that later today is just weekend
(Bite size good i am just worryied to spam thread for others so when i leave and have PC try to do the giant catchup spoiled

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Sure, I can do this for you. I guess for someone who is filtering out of context Luka wants to see quotes supporting my statement. (To Luka, please read the very last paragraph at the bottom for a better explanation of this post. This post isn’t meant to tear you apart or anything. I am simply quoting the posts that hurt my feelings and explaining why. Again, hoping we can move past this).

Quotes of Negative Energy

Even if you think this is true, some things are left better unsaid. That’s harsh. You shouldn’t disregard someone’s reads.

This quote is essentially saying that the things I base my social reads on are bad, and they create a “horrible borderline scummy accusation”. Disregarding my methods of scum-detecting and treating them as invalid is mean. Even if you are town, I can’t see that. I’m uninformed. You did things that I thought were suspicious. Idk what to tell you.

This message radiates negative energy. You can’t convince me it’s positive.

These quotes make sense together, but I am calling attention to the second one more. Saying I’m an “outed evil” and that “it’s great” feels like you’re forcing a narrative where you’re town, and I’m a bad scum who outed myself. I obviously know it’s not true, but when you drag my name like that and treat it like it’s a joke, it doesn’t feel good. It just felt like you were shitting on me repeatedly because I accused you.

You disregarded my reads here again and call them “bad”. You claimed to be busy, and honestly, I am too. I was doing schoolwork like all day. I am in college being slammed with schoolwork. I understand the struggle. However, you did throw out all of this in a negative manner as if I was supposed to read your mind and know you were busy. Especially since I saw you say you got home and then you wall posted; I figured you were available. I only see what you post here. I don’t see what goes on outside of the game.

This whole statement is just incredibly harsh. If you legitimately need to explain why, I can.

Once again, you call something I look at for social reads “poor reasoning”. I never said that posting a read list makes you confirmed town. Notice how all of my reads have been leans? These are things that are townie, but it does mean they’re confirmed town. I am fully aware evils can do it, but it is behavior I typically see more of through town, so I like to keep track of it.

I don’t have to explain this.

Even though you apologized, it felt like a backhanded compliment (apology in this case). You basically said, “I’m sorry for being passive aggressive in my posts it’s because your posts are bad”.

I hope this helps show you my perspective of your posts. In summary, it felt like you were attacking my whole way of playing social deduction. You could’ve addressed my posts in a much nicer manner.

I’m sorry if I upset you. I would be lying to say you didn’t upset me. You definitely did. However, I’m willing to move past it. I am only bringing this to your attention because you asked me to. From this point on, I am not going to bring this up unless you ask about it. Again, I’m sorry that this game has caused you this much distress. I hope your knee feels better, and I hope you get some closure knowing that I am willing to move on from this (if that is what your stress is from). Have a good night!


Hard to tell because I don’t get how they interpreted my posts as ‘hypothetical’ (would need further explanation from them). If it’s reasonable/makes sense (from their pov) then I’d say it’s town, but if not then sus.

Also, I didn’t forget about your request to check out Caitlin’s quotes, Luka. I am going to go to bed though because it is 3 AM for me, and I have been looking at thread for a couple hours straight. Good night everyone!


Have a good night am also heading to sleep zone (still been mostly non social tonight but tryied a bit)

Everyone have fun will make sure to be here tomorrow a fair bit before EoD and figure exactly where i wanna vote


ISO-ing Merpy, the way they’re wolfreading Luka/Abbi and townreading Tutuu/Cait has internal consistency with the way she explains how she makes reads: finding “willing to communicate”, “being transparent”, “showing a solving mindset/pushing people to solve” as townie signs (no matter how surface-level these signs are).

I find Luka vs Merpy funny tho, considering how good wolf!Luka is at appearing townie. I think Merpy is the type of player wolf!Luka would easily pocket.


@MerpyDerpy can you share a readlist ranking (ie rank people from towniest to wolfiest)?

Merpy is town but how am I not doing this?

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Add: her Guava/Dole/Ritsu reads checks out too. It’s…interesting that she has exactly three wolfreads? And the lack of nullreads suggests that she doesn’t like them and gave a clear assignment to everyone