Purgatory - Town Win!

…? Ask her?

What I meant was that the way she was evaluating everyone in her reads were consistent (not having any favourites/exceptions — ie saying someone is townie for doing x but saying someone else is wolfy for doing the same thing). I didn’t mean I agree with her reads

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Which read are you disagreeing with. Mine (TL-ing Cait) or Cait’s (wolfreading me)?

Sheeping (Cait) not allowed, please explain if you’re voting someone

Do you think wolfs are incapable of showing consistency across reads?

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They’re certainly capable, but only if the other wolves are doing a great job playing their part.

For example, if a wolf buddy is showing extreme signs of sussiness and towniness, the wolf making this type of read would find it hard to assign a clear verdict, no? If they call the wolf buddy ‘town’, they would have to justify/downplay the sussy behaviour while if they call the wolf buddy ‘wolf’, they would have to decide on whether to bus that buddy somewhere along the line.

I think ISO-ing everyone and giving clear-cut townleans and wolfleans means Merpy is confident that they can provide explanations if someone questions their reads.


@princessabigail This is an example of inconsistency

Luka calls Merpy out for “taking Tutuu’s suggestion of no elim” seriously when…Tutuu literally voted no exe. He disregards Tutuu’s actions entirely (by not mentioning it in his Tutuu townlean post #454) but felt the need to point out/respond to Merpy instead.

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Dope. Thanks.

Could you specify which “a lot of posts gave you townie pings”? Because all the posts you quoted in #491 were you null/sus-reading her with the exception of the one post where she was reading you as town (#167)

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Valid I would sideeye this if tutuu flipped woof but as it stands i don’t think Luka is wolf. I think they are hard focusing one person at the cost of all other reads.

Sorry guys. Reading Up. I want to make a post I just have to figure out how to quote and do the collapsing thingy so I don’t clutter the chat!

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Clutter is the way

Mm I agree with other people saying Luka feels different this game compared to Strat-15. He’s not “projecting towniness” here and lacks self-awareness.

Luka: votes Merpy without explanation (#200)
Merpy: asks why (#224)
Luka: says they’ll explain once he gets on PC (#226)
Merpy: ISO-s Tutuu instead (#454)
Merpy: asks Luka if he’s on PC (#480)
Luka: responds that he is (#482)
Luka: ISO-s Merpy (#484). Take note that only the first 4 posts he quoted were made before he voted Merpy (his evaluation: 1st is “very petty first statement”, 2nd is “not a massive fan”, 3rd is “making content w/o making content”, 4th is “post leans towards town”)

I’d say in the posts he quoted in #484, the last two quotes (made after he voted Merpy) were the “weirdest”/most notable of the bunch, but I’d like to know which of the first four made him confident enough to vote Merpy in the first place.

Luka saying this right after that:

Feels very…bad faith? Considering all Merpy asked was an explanation for his wolfreads/him voting her, which Luka spins into Merpy being a hypocrite for not sharing her own reads (even though Merpy didn’t vote anyone at that time unlike him). FYI (@ #562 Luka) No, you don’t need to ISO someone to explain your vote, you only need to point at certain posts or summarize your thoughts. What you need to ISO someone for is to wolfcase or towncase them.

It feels like Luka vs Cait in Strat-15 all over again, with Luka voting Cait as “pressure” and turning it into a full-blown argument. Luka not noticing the parallels, flip-flopping between Merpy and me without any explanation, and getting defensive towards Guava in #543 (flat-out saying he wants to OMGUS him) suggests that…he’s probably just not very self-aware/conscious this time.



I do not think the Merpy push from Luka is in good faith, or at the very least, I do not believe it is well guided.

also I did not figure out how to do the collapsing thing… I’m very sorry.

I think even from the first post where he described his reasoning, I’m a bit lost.

This was a bit of a weird quote in my opinion, given that merpy was discussing it with someone else who raised the idea, just said it was something she tried in another game and using this to scum her here because this approach wouldnt work when she literally said in her message that this approach probably wouldn’t work in this format is completely throwing me off

and also this was… odd. You were early on just voting people without reason, and it makes sense for Merpy to question why votes were on her, and she didn’t have any hard reads to explain as she was at the time not voting nor pushing anyone. And it also makes sense for her to be scumreading and suspicious on you for telling her you would explain your read to her and not, regardless of the reasoning being busy outside of the game as not all of us can be aware of nor know your life outside of the game, Merpy included.

Outside of this you make the claims that Merpys claims hold no proof nor good basis for scumreading, despite, imo, the delay of explaining a read in a game where voting blindly is dangerous and the rapid fire voting that merpy did point out being good places for scumreading, it is not any worse than your reasons for scumreading her originally either. The four quotes you provided to why merpy was suspicious was
#69 where to someone who knows Merpy well, it is a clear joke
#81 which I already adressed
#77 and #102 where the game started and several people were asking about the new format, so only tunneling merpy for that seems strange especially when she corrected herself later
#229 which like I get where you’re coming from but she was also not pushing nor defending anyone at this point and the game had just started and some people havent even messaged at all.

I do not think you are evil. That is not what I am indicating. but I think in the grand scheme of things, and even if you compare merpys behaviour to others, this seems like a tunnel vision that is certainly not enough to be calling her “Confirmed/Outed Evil”. and I do not think you should be saying she is cherrypicking messages when most of your messages have been on Merpys behavior and the you vs merpy situatuon, with you saying you will not address some of her points, and well pointing out that she has been ignoring 100+ messages of content, you similarly have not opened much discussions at all outside of your twos fued.


The pile on Luka in defense of Merpy is increasingly worrying

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But also solidifies my TvT read

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I do not wish to Pile unto Luka, as opposed to pile upon his reasoning.

I said in my post that I just do not believe it is well guided, and I think it is a tunnel vision.
Tutuu put it very well when they said that a wolf pushing that hard into a townie in games like this is very rare, so I just think this is a bad case of tunnel vision more than anything. I just don’t think alot of the accusations on her make sense, when you take a step back, and in a 5-3 vote I think any push unto anyone should be carefully examined before we jump unto it.

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There’s 1000% a wolf defending Merpy maybe multiple for cred. The defense of Merpy is too… dirty for it to be pure in the way Luka is being treated through it.

I don’t think anyone is doing anything egregiously wrong I just really think it’s spewing Merpy town.

Luka is alone on an island and that’s towny as fuck


? If you read my post again you’d see I was actually townleaning Luka for being different and not being self-conscious.

I don’t think wolf!Luka would change his strategy from Strat-15 considering how well it worked for him — and guava/Cait/you/I are people I don’t think he’d be too worried over (compared to, say, May or Arctic).

Dole and I commenting on the same things just points to how bad Luka’s push on Merpy is imo