Purgatory - Town Win!

I’ll read up on these posts during both of my gaps today (10 AM EST AND 12-2 PM EST). I think EOD is 2 PM EST today, so I should be there for that. (Well, it’s EOD for me anyways because I work after that lmao):joy:

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The post you were sring was a joke, and thats why it was silly to address. I should have been more clear.

The problem is that I don’t like your methods of scum hunting. I have several scum games where I open the game up with a wall post / read list, give thoughts, and progress the game. You should never town read people for playing the game, which is what I believe you’re doing. I do admit I was a bit harsh on this, calling it horrible and such, so I apologize for that. I do think your accusation against me is bad though, and im not going to sugar coat that it wasnt.

This is gameplay related. You said yourself as scum you carefully pick what you respond to, which is what I was accusing you of. Cait has alot of messages in her ISO and you only responded to a few of them with seeming selection bias. I can’t really apologize for this because it’s what I genuinly believe you did, and I genuinly believe its gameplay related. Im not going to convince you its postiive, but I cant really feel how its negative.

That’s what I think though. I know it doesn’t feel good to be accused, I feel horrible after you accuse me, even though I know myself its not true. But that is mafia, I’m not going to not accuse you just because it feels bad. This is also btw why I hate playing town- so so much pressure when wolving is so easy.

Im not shitting on you, Im just calling your push on me bad, which I think I already demonstrated why. Im being accused for being to busy / tired to make a wall post on you, and not remembering to do it in the exact moment im online. Which, I think its a bad push. So, I will accuse it of being such and not in good faith.

I was going to go sequentally up the lpayer list. Its why I did tu then cait. I just put you in the middle specifically because you asked. It was based off of tutuu’s joke post about reading every player in the game. This is a fair assumption, but even were it to be the case, that would just have meant I forgot to make the wall post on you. I love making wall post and don’t stray away from it as either allignments, I promise this is not a reason to scum read me. I will disregard your reads since they’re reads made on me in specific and I know im good, so I think thats natural. Im not going to pretend to believe in or follow reads I know are false.
I do admit there was a more apt way of responding to that though / shutting you down, so apologize for that.

I do not. I admit the post is harsh if you are villager. Apologies if you are.

Yes you do. Your read on me is not good. It is very much annoying me.

That is genuinly what I think. I do not think playing the game is a good reason to read somebody. I don’t like giving any credits for people for posting read lists and playing the game at all. Its the content in those read lists that decide allignment.

?? Im genuinly confused how you come to this. Im being passive aggressive because I’m not very nice and I was in a horrible mood, it has nothing to do with your posts. I can shut down your posts while at the same time being nice. I apologized but I cannot see how you would derive this conclusion. The only thing I can say it “I’m sorry if you felt that way” which in and of itself is passive aggressive.

I understand some of the posts were harsh, specifically if you were villager, however alot of them were just me playing the game. If I disagree with your reads, if I think the reason youre reading people are shallow, if I think youre trying to feign thread contribution without taking a large stance, I will.

Its from this and an assortment of other things. I just generally hate myself. Most of the time.
I do admit this game certainly hasn’t helped, everybodys taken your side but they never explained why youre actually good .I get why you’re good but you haven’t explained why you’re good either, aside from the fact that thats how you read people, which is based on meta and its still something I disagree with. I cannot force myself to see it in a good light, and its a bit aggrivating that people just never take my side. Im also extremely worried if im wrong- if im wrong then I actively caused the town alot of harm, which is partially why I hate being town. Its miserable. Thanks for this though, but you did nothing wrong <3.


Where am I ever wolfy

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I don’t think you are lol


Cant rlly get myself to play sorry for the huge drop in activity


Unvoting cuz it feels bad to have a vote out when I havent made a single post in the last 400 posts

Luka also might just be town Idrk
Guava being topwagon honestly is surprising to me; not because I townread Guava, moreso would just expect a slot like that to at the very least catch some townreads in this gamestate

Scumread on Tutuu is probably fading because I think I was moreso scumreading them as a person rather then the actual Tutuu in this game

guavagudetama (3): DolefulDetective, tutuu, PrincessAbigail
Luka (2): Caitlin, MerpyDerpy
MerpyDerpy (1): Luka

Not Voting (3): guavagudetama, Psyx, Ritsu

Basic mafia theory does tell me that the odds of a pure wagon with 3 town voters is unlikely when EoD is approacing and since I townread Doleful & Abbi that might mean if Tutuu is indeed town, Guava might just be a hit I dunno

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I see Tutuu is online lol

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I compared your behavoir this game to the wall post you have me
Guava I’ll explain in a bit.

I explained cait already. Psy because her pairing with cait is really off, ill elaborate more on later.


I was voting psy before this

Its not just based on omgus, I believe the push on me is in bad faith.

I would hate it too

Give me my far townie and far wolfy posts
Im outed town



Why am I a town lean
If I have par posts on either side why arent I null

There’s no need to check out the posts. I just wanted to demonstrate to you that there’s alot of ai things I dont think you really looked at, if you were trying to make that list in good faith ^^

Im so obviously not wolf here sobbing


I sheep alot. Its a great way to eliminate pressure as town. I hate being town.

TuTuus was an obvious joke. Merpy was being serious. Stop calling this inconsistency

Note for me later

TuTuu’s is an obvious joke. Merpy’s is not.

I wasn’t confident enough to vote them outside of the push. Originally I voted them cuz early game and I wanted to see how they would react.

Im confused at this. I think that, if they talk about how progressing the game / opening with early read lists is townie for 50 posts, and then dont give reads, im going to side-eye that a bit. Also, the problem is I forgot which post I originally didn’t like. Which is why I ISO’d them.

Using this meta to read me is a fantastic argument that cannot go wrong in any world

TuTuu’s was an obvious joke

I will exapain her vote and I did. I honestly didn’t even take very long doing it. Im susping her because her push on me reads disingenuine and bad faith.

The reason I voted her was early game originally. Of course its not very good. Merpy voting me at this point was not early game.

I do not know merpy well

I have not read your posts

Im not tunneling merpy for these at all. Im tunneling her because I feel like her read posts were in bad faith.

The game has not just started and a bunch of AI content was there,

Wdym I ISO’d 4 people and gave reasonings for all of them. I’m talking about other people, have you read much of my posts? If not that’s fair. But regardless I don’t like this rash assumption being made.

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I do think Luka’s progression on me is awful

I was a TL earlier

And now I’m a scumread again lol (I had no posts inbetween)

I am sorry if you were under emotional duress which caused your drive to falter. Keep your chin up, little buster. Never give up, no matter what happens. Never give up. I appreciate you. :heart:

Its because I ISOd you
FWIW as scum I never do this

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I dont believe that but okay

Meh Idc about my morals

VOTE: Luka

I wanna vote here

Do better Oomfie

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@Luka Don’t worry, my wonderful friend. I shall do everything in my power to avoid you being the chop!

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I wont be the chop
Neither people voting me has good reasons
Just really annoyed lol

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If I’m mafia aren’t I already doing what I have to do? And according to you, I am

Or do you perhaps have TMI that I’m town?

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You’re also rlly annoying → others are annoying to you too

Im dumb and dont undersatnd this post

I mostly talk to people as if they’re town. If not we’ll get nowhere
Also dont tell anybody this but I forgot that I thought you were wolf

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It was about the progression on my slot

I don’t believe that you already forgot?

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