Purgatory - Town Win!

My memory is horrible
Alot of my posts in games about past events are completely made up in the moment in order to not appear suspicious, especially as wolf

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Let me share a wisdomous advice I’ve read, my dear friend! You are also young of age, as far as I know, so sharing this with you might be impactful! Whenever you squeeze an orange - what do you get? Orange juice. You don’t get lemon juice, you don’t get apple juice. No, you get orange juice. You get what is inside of it.

Whenever people are put under duress, and situations they dislike, it is easy to say “I reacted this way because he said that, or she had that tone”, or such. But following the metaphor, when people get squeezed, their reactions show what really is inside of them. And I think that understanding is good, because once a person understands that, they can change that. Since humans are intelligent and capable of metamorphosis. Tying together one’s own emotional reactions to other people’s external input is unnecessarily risky, as you have no control over external input. You would be but a drifting barrel at sea, praying to RNG. “Whenever people are nice to me I feel nice, whenever people are mean to me I feel bad”. That is surely not the most optimal way to live!

Instead, I invite you to consider that the following behavior is possible “I can choose to be happy. I can choose to be angry. My emotions are my choice. I am in full control at any given time”.

That isn’t to say that whenever you perceive disrespect you should just “suck it up” and endure the misery. Not at all! The idea is to imagine a pair of scissors that snip the connection between external input and internal output!

I appreciate you greatly, my wonderful friend!

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Lieing isn’t townie

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Ye which is why I make thnigs up so people never know I lied, or accuse me of lying
I havent lied this game yet tho

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Can I just vote this

VOTE: Tutuu

I wanted an open mind but I think I was on spot earlier

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The amount of likes are getting on my nerves

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Same kinda I just never voiced it

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I think I’m gonna backread before doing this. Just organizing priorities because idk how much time I’ll have today. (Giving my response to Caitlin’s posts is on the lower end of my priorities simply because of time constraints). In other words, I’ll respond to it if I get to it.


I have consistent things I look for. I like to think of myself looking through these posts with like a pen and a clipboard, and every time someone does one of these things, I give them a checkmark. These are traits that I just find trustworthy across any social deduction game. It’s a different perspective, but it’s just the way I construct my reads. It’s like my root/basis for formulating my reads.

The iso on me is literally disgusting but I did decide that Luka is town

This would take a decent amount of time, and I have class in 40 minutes, so I’m gonna wait until my second gap to do this if I remember. My apologies if I forget. Don’t feel bad to give me a nudge if I do!

I am of no importance so don’t bother

Normally Id reply to it Ig but I wont be at laptop this phase

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I have quoted my read on you from last night in case you wanted to refer back to it, but I felt as though your posts lacked communication on your thoughts in this game compared to others. You mention that you trust Caitlin but it felt like more of a soul read that wasn’t really backed by things I could see (quotes or detailed personal experience).
However, I will add to this and say that I greatly appreciate your insight and perspective on my reads! Especially since my methods are more on the emotion/subjective side, it is good to hear your thought process and reasoning behind things. :+1:

If this doesn’t answer the question, I would be happy to add to this! Don’t feel bad asking for further clarification if it is needed.


Funny thing about this: I don’t think about the number of people I’m town/wolf reading. I remember during Mountainous AMQ, I wolfread like 6 people out of pure paranoia mid-game. (Spoiler Alert: There were only 3 wolves). I was fully aware of the town-to-wolf ratio, but I suspected a lot of people. To summarize, I don’t think about the logical number of people. I won’t try to group these suspicions together until later in the game (unless something stands out to me as blatantly paired). That’s why I do individual ISOs for each player. I view each player as their own separate read. Helps me to focus on that individual’s words rather than being influenced by interactions and speculating potential connections. If that doesn’t make sense, I can try to rephrase this.

In regard to nullreads, I think the 2 people I marked as nullread/scum-lean were you and Abigail. It feels like you guys had enough content-wise (for me anyways) to make a very general statement about you both. Null for me is when I have no idea where you guys stand—like a true middle-ground. You both leaned scum just because you didn’t hit my own personal checkboxes. That’s why I leaned you both scum though. I can acknowledge that my methods are not absolute in detecting scum. It is a basis. Later on, I will analyze your vote patterns and whatnot.

Hopefully, this helps! If not, I can clarify things as needed.

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I agree it is something to keep an eye on, but I don’t think we can speculate pairings/alignments off it quite yet. It’s our Mystery Mouseketool that we’ll use later.


I can’t say for certain whether Luka is town or not. I’ll have to think about it some more.

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