Purgatory - Town Win!

This is very possible, but I think there is also a world where Luka is wolf who “made this hill and dies on it”, ya know? Like the wolves realize that defending Luka would bring too much attention to themselves, so they didn’t. Whether this was through not responding to the interaction at all or taking my side.

Do I think this is the case? Probably not? But it’s still good to keep it in mind.

I wouldn’t call it “bad” because that is harsh. I think the conflict stemmed from our lines of thinking just not aligning. My methods of social deduction didn’t align with his, and he found it suspicious. There was just a domino effect of miscommunication as our ways of thinking clashed.
It’s very rare that I would have to call someone’s style of playing social deduction outright bad. I avoid it if I can because at the end of the day—our posts are an extension of our thoughts and who we are. Insulting them feels like insulting a person’s way of thinking. Okay TED talk over. :+1:

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If it was, for the record, there was multiple points where I couldve seamlessly transitioned my vote. So I wont really be dying on the hill I made :p

Okay I have to go to class now. Will continue reading later! I don’t know if I’ll get to everything before I have work this afternoon, but I’ll certainly try!


I read this while walking to class. In a game like this where the only information we get is social, reads are going to be strongly rooted in meta. There are things you can look into later in the game like votes, but early game, it is just seeing how people interact compared to previous games they’ve been in.

If you want me to make a town-case for myself, I can. However, I will let you know now that it will just be me going over my town-meta with you and how I’m consistently hitting those marks this game. I understand if you don’t want to see that which is why I am offering it. In my opinion, it’s possible to have a legitimate town case this early on because we haven’t voted. Words can easily have hidden intentions, but for votes, it’s a lot harder to hide those intentions.

Okay. Now I’m gone for real lol. Class go brrrr


Good meowning

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Yeah we can kill this

VOTE: guavagudetama

Like I said earlier, I’d much rather go to hell than heaven, and it’s day one, y’all will figure out who the actual scum is

I still think Luka/tutuu/Ritsu/Merpy contains like 2ish wolves

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Self-voting = scum

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Then vote me

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L-1 me you coward

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Noticing a distinct lack of being L-1’d :confused:

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On second thought I actually think all three of the wolves were in that four because I’m pretty sure Abbi/Doleful/Psyx/Caitlin is pure

I doubt Merpy/Luka is w/w cuz they both seemed genuinely pissed, so if they’re both wolves that theatre wasn’t planned LOL

So I think the team is Ritsu/tutuu and one of Merpy/Luka on like process of elimination

Zenon’s Law would imply Merpy is scum over Luka
I felt like I had a case on Luka but maybe I’m dumb LOL

There is no hammer, my friend!

I do agree with you that Ritsu is probably Mafia, and I shall probably attempt killing her next regardless of your alignment.

First, I will open my response with this: thank you for addressing me and Luka individually and giving your insight in a positive fashion.

In regard to your questions to me, I still am uncertain. I certainly see the perspectives you are providing, and I do want to believe in your town Luka explanation, but I feel like there’s still a chance that Luka is wolf. There’s a world where Wolf Luka got flustered by my request for an explanation, and then it spiraled into a full-on push on me out of defensiveness. Because they may have believed that if they didn’t spin the narrative on me (thus giving themselves an explanation for the whole miscommunication), they would be in a bad position.

Again, I would love to see a world where Luka is town, but I am not convinced in this current stage of the game. I won’t try to convince others to push him at this current moment, but my read on him isn’t changing in this current moment.


Oh gagged

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Wait I also forgot that L is 5 I was already L-1

If there were hammer

Wait there’s no hammer? So does the vote just occur automatically at EOD?


VOTE: tutuu

this is like marginally better than voting Ritsu atm because Caitlin’s vote is already here and we have an hour left