Purgatory - Town Win!

Okay I think I am caught up with posts. If I missed anything, let me know!

Did you miss me :pleading_face::pleading_face:

Oh wait EOD ends at 2 EST? That’s perfect because I go to work right after. Was worried that I would be missing out on EOD while at work :+1:



Kidding. It does feel like you were rather absent in thread. Was hoping to hear more from you! :hugs:

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You do mis SoD for Heaven Phase though cuz it immediately starts after Hell Phase

That’s because I was asleep xx

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guava classposting

Also I had like nothing to say because I’m awful at scumreading I just tr until I poe it

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World in which im town:
Im town <3
I know you offered this before(Ill sadly decline, I dont think a self town case is very relevant at this point given I dont know your meta), but I can town case myself as well if you wish

she townpost on my thread til I find the scum

That’s alright. I can catch up on it later this evening. I do have a lesson plan to writ though, so it’ll probably be later tonight like around 10 PM EST or something.

Town don’t sleep. You’re a wolf. votes you

?? Wolves are the ones who kill at NIGHT ntm

That surprises me because I feel like you have decent reads

Like those mfs are NOT asleep

Ah actually that’s valid lol

Every time I have a scumread on this site it gets shut down super hard LOL
Like the invitational was an exception

So I’m just gonna stick to townreading
I know I can do that
Doleful is locktown
Caitlin and Psyx are close
And I’m pretty confident Abbi is town as well

Luka/Merpy is t/w

That leaves Ritsu and tutuu

We only need to kill two scum to win so I don’t even have to solve Luka/Merpy

I’m here for a bit now

I didn’t read most of the thread ftr

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