Purgatory - Town Win!

guavagudetama (3): DolefulDetective, tutuu, PrincessAbigail
tutuu (2): Caitlin, guavagudetama
Luka (1): MerpyDerpy
MerpyDerpy (1): Luka

Not Voting (2): Psyx, Ritsu

I do wonder why @Psyx and @Ritsu still aren’t voting

I trust Tutuu more than I do Arturo here, so I don’t think I will be voting to save Arturo. If a swing vote happens though, I may hop on it depending on who it is.

Guava’s focus on the pairing being TvS feels kinda like ill intend to me but I also dont think Luka/Merpy has to be TvT and only if its TvT it rlly is sus

I also feel like Tutuu is more likely a wolf anyway so I’ma keep my vote on Tutuu

But I’m starting to become wary again of Merpy

Doleful is still my top TR; easily right now

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I gtg bye

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I’m here; just got off work

(24 hours on a Monday is pure hell jfc)

I didn’t really think about it this way tbh. I’m not much of a math person. I just took it as they knew their was an evil between us. Ritsu and Tutuu are just the results of POE which, in my personal opinion, does leave room for error if you misclear at least one person. That’s why I was curious on their thought process. To clarify, I am not bashing Arturo’s way of thinking. It is totally valid. I was just curious on their thoughts about the T/W. Hopefully, that helps clear up my thoughts.

It’s possible that Ritsu doesn’t know the EOD time. I know I wasn’t quite sure on the time.

Don’t think I can finish backreading in 30min, can somebody please give a TL;DR for the wagons?

If Luka/Merpy is t/t I’m misclearing someone

For my world view to make sense with my four townreads, at least one of you had to be evil, and I doubt both of you are evil unless you guys just decided to fight for no reason
Like I refuse to believe Luka/Merpy was planned even if they’re both wolves that was raw

I understand that I could be misclearing someone
I hope you understand this looks like you defending your scummates rn

I don’t remember why people are voting me or why Caitlin is voting tutuu :skull_and_crossbones::skull_and_crossbones:

I can tell you that I think you/Caitlin/Abbi/Doleful is pure which leaves Luka/Merpy who are obv not w/w and Ritsu and tutuu
So I voted tutuu and if I live I’ll probably vote Ritsu d3
Unless we cfd Ritsu for some reason

Doleful’s post on me

Did you ever respond to me asking how you townread me so early in the game, when most of my posts were NAI?

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I think TL;DR means summary. I can try for Arturo at least.
Arturo got voted by Dole, Tutuu, and Abigail.

  1. Dole voted Arturo because they felt as though his posts were mostly fluff regarding rules and not as much focused on analysis of the game.
  2. Tutuu voted Arturo because he “tried to kill their entire towncore”. That’s the only reason I’m seeing.
  3. Abigail sheeped Dole from my understanding. They voted immediately after Dole gave their case, so that’s my assumption. I don’t have the details on the Tutuu push sadly.
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Not to you directly cuz I missed it but I explained it earlier

These two posts feel very t!Psyx from the couple games I’ve played with you
t!Psyx has been very like
Serious and analytical
Almost all of your posts are actual content even if you don’t think they’re AI

I like this post as well
Shows the thinky :brain::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend:

Though in hindsight I don’t like how Merpy is SRing the two people that can read her best LOL
It’s fine I don’t need to worry about that unless tutuu or Ritsu flips town

I can try and filter to find the reasons people are pushing Tutuu before EOD. Lemme check

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The two people I scum-leaned were Abigail and Psyx. I’ve never played with either of these individuals…?

Were they not talking about you in that post wait

You were town-lean for me, Arturo. I just trust Tutuu more.

Here’s the post in case you want to quickly review it.

I have no idea what you’re talking about tbh.

About you I thought