Queue Discussion Thread

Imposter is mad about being the politician
this surely can have no bad consequences

Somehow this is the least of the issues here because the politician has to be in play to be replaced by the imposter

The more pressing issue is evil can tell beyond a doubt if Heretic is in play at the start of the game at base 2 Outsiders because Minions know about the Damsel and can very easily know about the Donkey Wrangler


aside from that

  • Lmao gg if Donkey Wrangler is nominated after a good nomination vs Hwisp
  • Lmao gg if Donkey Wrangler is nominated and the Fanzazz is good
  • Lmao gg if Donkey Wrangler/Legion
  • Imposter can totally just yoink Fanzazz ability and yeet the real one
  • Lycan can just kill a good Fanzazz on accident and lose! Fun!
  • Beekeeper is never actually triggering their ability you completely nuked it. The misreg only (negatively) affects Scholar, Moneylender and King (and Choirboy if you feel like being extra bullshit). Instead it hard buffs the lycanthrope for some reason. The point of it is that it separates the evil player from their team
  • Merchant is hardconfirmed. Whoops
  • Consults are 100% being policed to hardcounter Wizard.

Thereā€™s nothing that says they canā€™t wish during the night tbf but yeah

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Oh wait i forgot one

Mole fucking wipes Hwisp lmao

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Aside from feasibility

Remember its meant to be run irl :froggwee:


impostor moneylender

somehow i donā€™t think this is the script tpi is going to end up releasing as midnight in the house of the damned


iā€™m pretty sure tipi-tipi is just flat out neg util with heretic

this version of fanzazz is unfun even if you donā€™t take into account the multiple script elements that make it even less fun (including heretic!)

iā€™m like 90% sure mole damsel is just an instant wincon if they figure out itā€™s a heretic game

mole heretic is just unfun in general. whatā€™s the demon gonna do, make the moleā€™s team lose?

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also 9 times out of 10 apothecary is probably just gonna be hardconfirmed. which is bad enough without merchant also being hardconfirmable

Kill themselves, probably

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scholar just does not vibe with this script in general

the tipi-tipi at the function

It appears to be edited to choose their kills here

thatā€™s. a choice.

thatā€™s so fucking busted actually the whole point of tipi-tipi is its absolutely backbreaking endgame madness is balanced out by the storyteller slaughtering its minions