Queue Discussion Thread

Normally I’d say “just execute the Minions” but goblin is right there

oh god the goblin/impostor evil team. it’s not busted or anything it just sounds annoyingly unfun to play against

Flat out no it’s busted

The imposter replaces their goblin immediately, and then can just replace whoever they want on future days and there’s nothing good can do about it

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Nothing except an apothecary literally changing the rules of the imposter ability

also wait. i’m like 90% sure scholar confirms whether beekeeper is in play because there’s one less evil character than there would usually be

scholar owns this script wtf

like unless there’s also a mole who shows up as a different evil character

It does yes

Guess what

Mole flat out just doesn’t register as a Minion according to a script i dug up

Scholar sees thru it

i love how this script is so awesome no one’s mentioned magician and poppy grower

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and also that king got buffed for no reason

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Well, regardless, are @CRichardFortressLies and @Ash ready to open signups? Miscs don’t have to go through review

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Tipi tipi tapa tapa


I could co-ST

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If you’re up for it, I’m fine with swapping.
This is perhaps not the game where one starts Storytelling.

I’ll allow it if Ash is ok with it.

How you gonna do Donkey Wrangler for online play

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i feel like part of the fun of DW. is knowing its still in the bag or not when you grab a token.

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The part about the square token confirms Donkey Wrangler, as that’s a setup effect.