Queue Discussion Thread

I think I’ll run that, with x = 2.
Two rounds of 2-player Word Match, then two rounds of 3-player Word Match, and so on until we get a winning team at the end.

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Does that mean you could be eliminated multiple times and still win?

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john wordmatch

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yippee word match

can’t wait to never be revived beacuse i suck

This has gotten fully derailed by me deciding to conlang for greater immersion.

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lmao peak

Man I submit a new entry into the misc queue, and no one paid any mind.

Combinatorics mafia change idea:

When all three masons are guessed at once, they die and can no longer post and vote. This:

  • Allows the mafia to have an easier time swinging the votes on the final day
    (Currently, it’s 3 mafia versus 9 town, 3 of which are confirmed, which is rough voting-power-wise compared to a standard ExLo. As-is, it takes three misvotes for the mafia to successfully tie the votes and win; with this change, it would take two misvotes.)
  • Prevents town from sheeping the masons on the final day
    (Having so many confirmed town to ground and coordinate people is also a great advantage to the village, as it means there’s a number of voices which can’t be directly discredited. There’s often town confirmed by jails left over in Combinatorics, but the village has to work for those.)
  • Makes the game more engaging for VTs on that final day
    (Previously mentioned mason-sheeping means that a lot of the game ends up being played by the masons, on earlier days behind the scenes manipulating the votes and on the last day as the voices who are both confirmed town and who have had their information for the longest. This means the VTs are often basically just there to vote and leave! Boring!)
  • Forces the masons to leave a legacy if they want their opinions to outlast them
    (Small change, but it adds another tell for mason hunting into the game, which I think is fun)

This is another little thing to try to make the game slightly less townsided - I don’t think it eliminates the townsidedness, but it’s a step in the right direction. Opinions?

Masons die on last day?
  • TRUE AND GOOD idea
  • BAD AND FALSE idea
  • I’m neutral on this idea
  • I don’t care about Combinatorics Mafia at all button

0 voters

[starts adding this change to the program]

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explodes masons with mind

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I Saw Your Vote Change


“I remember your revotes.”

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sounds decent but could be boring for the masons who are usually the people who try

Kill anyone who’s confirmed with a 0/3 jail alongside the masons on the final day. Require town to hunt for evils every single time.
I have fixed the townsideness issue.


We can do one better. Make it kill any town in any jail.


Make it even better: just kill everyone, including the mafia, GMs, spectators, and the unfortunate soul who accidentally clicked on the game while trying to check in on Jackal Returns.


This just turns every towngame into a sweep, which is exciting to spectate. I approve.

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i dont think he does. but what if he remembers youre revotes