Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

I cc conjuror btw

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100% real


Magnus roleblocked SDA
Zone claimed to roleblocked Someone
Bionic claimed to roleblocked SDA
And that leaves with you.


Not until you understand what I’m saying.

this makes no sense to me but this is also like the Bionic post ever

You dont think I haven’t picked up you roleblocked Someone now?

Frost if I was Conjuror you wouldn’t have blocked Dum’s ability

As I said, Zone, are you done?

Fair enough. …somehow I feel like I unintentionally fished your role.

what is there to talk about?

No. As long as you claim I roleblocked Magnus N1, I will never stop complaining. Because that’s not what I did at all.

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…please read what I said it now

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Their posting was quite awful. I don’t think that’s too controversial a thing to say.

So…what did you do now exactly?

I converted you

Oh yeah. Execution Phase.

VOTE: Derps

3P Brakuren confirmed.

first time?

I wish

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