Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

I’ll realistically end up finding the Traitor at some point, if history is anything to put at, since my method generally includes reading into things like survival tendencies and weird behaviours moreso than TMI or distancing. But you’ve been heard.

which Bourgeoisie do you dislike the most

I like all three of their personalities. But to compare slot values, I think Zone’s mainly been recounting ISOs rather than injecting his opinions into the matter, which in conjunction with the first half day thing doesn’t do very much to raise his stock for me. Geyde had a strong start, but I missed him both times earlier so it’s sort of a witness perspective that looks like he’s trailed off in the meantime. Hippo’s affable and my impulse read was town, since his views conform to a logical foundation that I haven’t really verbalised yet, and he isn’t picking on O.kazo/Otter/Guava at the moment either which is a plus.


Now that I’m used to Brak’s personality and I don’t hate him for existing I still don’t trust Hazzy

this post is weird
not quoting the whole thing cuz most of it’s irrelevant but earlier in the post he says Brak and Geyde have done townie things and then he almost discredits his own read? it’s weird

and this triangle makes sense but it’s totally possible they’re just t/t/t
If O.kazo was like also scumreading Geyde or something then maybe I’d be suspicious in the sense of like it’s opportunistic but the way it stands I don’t see it as a triangle of like “there’s probably a scum in here” when they could all just be wrong

that’s… not how probability works
if anything it’s more likely that all three of them are wrong
hitting a 13/17 chance 3 times is more likely than hitting a 13/17 chance 2 times and a 4/17 chance 1 time
or I guess it’d be 12/16 cuz you know you’re town but wtv

in any case probability can’t really be used when trying to figure out if people are right or wrong about a read imo

Hazzy keeps pushing this narrative of like “the likelyhood of all three of you being wrong is SO low” but it really isn’t as I mentioned above and it feels opportunistic
for someone who was all like discrediting himself and almost self-deprecating at the beginning of their thread he’s certainly confident in this one thing that makes very little sense to me

“not pushing it” but it’s like all you’ve posted about up to this point…
other than Brak like berating you for you putting him at a townlean instead of full town

hate this post in a way I don’t even understand
there’s smthn wrong about saying you understand why someone would be scumreading you

Hazzy questioning a fluff comment from someone just entering thread (iirc) is kinda weird imo when my favourite game with Hazzy started with like 4 hours of me him Kiiruma and Story talking about the most random shit and posting like gnosia tier list
so like why did you feel the need to ask this instead of just responding

(also I had pizza for lunch)

oh gagged ignore that last comment LOL

scum points for playing a knock off of a game from our nintendo overlords /j

nai but he ate Brak up here

getting bad vibes from Hazzy
VOTE: Hazardwaste
it feels like he’s trying to hint at a bunch of spur on a bunch of townies to vote each other out while discrediting himself for when they inevitably flip town so he can be like “ugh I knew it!! sorry guys >.<”


adds another one vote wagon to the pile cutely

I’m so tired I forgot to delete part of the sentence
“hint at a bunch of” isn’t supposed to be here :skull_and_crossbones:

I am too tipsy for this hold on

You misunderstood what i meant by pushing it.
I am not pushing it as locked in stone. i didnt vote or call anyone evil from it and even admitted that i only read two of them as null. it was a devils advocate read.
i was arguing why i made the read cause to tell you the truth i was very riled up by being called pathetic and idiotic that it sent me into defensive mode cause no one wants to be bad at the game.
i hope that makes sense in the slightest

bitch i have 30 hours in it and loving it.

bow i can be sassy when i need to.

from what i understand your main reason to vote me was because of my devils advocate ping i made early on in the game and have not come back to

I feel like shit honestly. I tried to be more confident and it fucking threw me for a ringer.
I don’t think I can realistically ever be confident cause A. that’s not what people expect from me. B. I am usually wrong and misguided anyway so what is there to be confident about.

I am not the most happiest with Magnus’s current word count, they dont really make me feel safe but i know their playstyle as at least group scum is to pocket people they are close with. and i havent felt like or read that they have done anything about that this game. so i would rather keep them alive for a bit

Guava not voting Sleep #Scum/j but he is also very… tamer i feel? i havent played with him in a while when i was town so i havent really picked on his game for a bit but something feels different and i dont know what it is. again nothing to really follow

otter i really dont like atm, too many people had them as town or upper null for just existing and only really made a read of their own when i basically poked them in the gut to do something. in fact
VOTE: Otter i am joining you SDA

Brakuran is different from last game, last game he was loud and in charge and would happily call people bad when he could. but he also wasnt… as hostile as this game. which… surprisingly makes me read them as town. idk i feel like this is the real Brak, and the brak we met last game was much calmer and more welcoming too allow him as a wolf to easily sink into the sheep.

In short, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… thanks for coming to my ted talk. i’ll be back just before i go to bed unless someone pings me. i am not in the mood for hard arguing i am happy to discuss game shit tho. just not heated angry arguements

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It’s so over for me.

Could vote Zone today tbf

I feel like everyone is on board with sacrificing @Brakuren which is great to hear!

I’m not hugely opposed to an otter wagon but I’d rather go after someone with more content but equally lack luster ISO. I think otter has more of a chance to improve.

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Also @Frostwolf103 please reply to me lol I cry

I don’t know about how to manoeuvre around the sacrificial angle in regards to eliminating social players or just “townread but on the side”. If they’re actually removed from the game, I’d probably look at… my impulse reaction is Leafia or Bionic, strangely enough.

I could get behind voting/sacrificing Leafia.

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Leafia is my second option, im not convinced bionic is town.

But brakkuren seems optimal

Brakuren just seems too good to be worth eliminating to me, I dunno.

(I was leaning towards v!Bionic because their behaviour is several magnitudes more trustworthy than even their usual town games are.)

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Sometimes the hardest paths are the paths we must take, young Magnus

Plus i think it’s very very funny to sacrifice a towny who doesn’t want to be sacrificed cuz they wanna be a townleader


Might be town so I don’t want to hang today:

Brakuren, Someone, Bionic, Leafia, Frost, Derps, Eliza, Geyde

Might not be town so I don’t mind hanging today:

Ash, Zone, Dum, Guava, Otter, Magnus, Hazard, O.kazo

Of these I think otter and o.kazo can stay for a bit I guess. So can guava. And Dum did defend me from the stupidest wagon of all time but idk I shouldn’t really give them more of a townread for that because it was very easy cred.
