Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Let me properly re Iso zone

Oh I forgot Zone just finds someone early on and tunnels them to death

this player list is cursed I canā€™t read anyone

idk how to read zone so lets just vote them out. big brain strats.

VOTE: Zone

Yo this is a mafia ability we shouldnā€™t have been discussing who we were gonna ritual tomorrow

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Thatā€™s fun. Thanks for noticing it.

I donā€™t think thereā€™s a clear decision thatā€™s been made at all, though.

Eh we had a pretty clear pool of candidates which we canā€™t really use now imo

Hows mafia chat going with Magnus Ash? Anything spicy going on

We Frenched Eliza again.

Remind me of the O.kazo case but explain it like you are talking to a 5 year old

Weird interactions + tried to push Dum off language semantics.

I wouldnā€™t throw out the pool entirely, but it does introduce the added complication of having to parse whether a person being ritualed is being led by mafia.

Pls tell me where I tried to push Dum off. (Plesae, because I never had that intention, so it might be communication error from my side.)

Iā€™m the Traitor so Iā€™m not actually in Ashā€™s Mafia chat, unfortunately. It was a real wasted opportunity.
(Not a soft.)

Weird thing to say (not a soft) after a hardclaim.

These came off as you attempting to push Dum based on Magnusā€™ faulty observation.

Is this what the kids call OMGUS?

This post makes me think hippo wolf

Idk why at all tbh just gives me the feeling

I donā€™t know what to do with that post, but okay.

Why not me? Not enough heat? Do you actually want to get visited?

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