Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

Plan was to finish the Leafia ISO before voting her, but I don’t mind going out of order.
VOTE: Leafia

Mfw when I go to sleep with 258 Leafia posts and wake up to 360.

To confirm, this is what we have so far?

No, Hippo’s being flipflopping with the actions a lot.

Oh joy.
What’s their most recent/believable claim?

Not sure if you have paid attention on his actions so far, but it is a lot

Excorcised SDA, probably me too (given he want to sacrifice me), doesn’t understand Purify when I mentioned it, purfied leafia anyways and then rescinded too.

I recommend start from post 2544 when Dum first claimed Excorcist

Correct me if I am wrong but since when did Hippo claimed to have Excorcized OK as well when Hippo mentioned he’s yet to Excorcize post 3789

I do not remember. Let me see if I can find it.

In hindsight, I think it was Brakuren’s post about all three exorcists targeting the same person?

I honestly doubt Brakuren even targeted Frost as he had been claiming roles left and right. But aside from that, yes: That is what you have so far.

From what I understand, whatever Brakuren’s role is, they targeted Frost.

Well whatever it did, its probably not the minister.

Change Execution Phase length from 48 hours to 24 hours?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters


TL;DR astand doesn’t like the idea, but would agree if N.1 agrees, and N.1 requires a “superb reasoning” to change the phase length mid-game. Which is fair, but I genuinely believe we don’t need 24+48 hours worth of day phase, so I made the poll in their stead. (I mean… They said I can make one, so why not.)

I never saw anyone talk about it, but if that is what you believe, then I got nothing to say about it.

I don’t care what Brakuren is.

I’d vote yes if it took effect from D3 on.

I was kinda got robbed, changing back to 24/24/24 is fine

Well, yes. That is my intention.
(Why would I want D2 to be suddenly cut off?)

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here’s my superb reasoning
I’m already bored


hi really bored i’m hazard


Hi hazard I’m forst wold one zero three