Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

You didn’t answer my question…as usual…you completely ignore my posts to suit your agenda.

just go to sleep i’ll explain tommorow

Explain now.

It’ll only make you mad

You’re already annoying me. I doubt you could make me any more annoyed than I already am by explaining now.

you failed another reaction test

I’m still reading this. Again and again.

And I still fail to see, how this legalize the things you are doing this game.

This isn’t an explanation, it’s an excuse.

For the second time this happening the same game, I will just put in the wolflean category.

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Interesting that you’re not explaining and nice try. No I didn’t.

If you’re going to argue that you said pineapple elsewhere in the thread, you seriously expect me to remember every little bit of what I read?

It literally explains what I’m doing xo

You just said you read every post did you not? If so you should know the meaning behind pineapples

You never explained once. At least, not with a real explaination.

How the f am I supposed to know that?

You just said you read every post?

So? That doesn’t mean I remember everything I read. I even make catchupposts as I read through the thread. Nice to know that you ignored them completely.

No, it doesn’t.

Every villager is wolf hunting the same time (or at least should) so highlighting that you are doing it as well doesn’t explain anything anytime.

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That’s not what I’m saying at all.

If you refuse to understand my logic either out of pure ignorance or inability to understand it, that’s on you. Don’t try to accuse me of making no sense when I litterally tell you what I’m doing and you can’t understand it

I litterally put it in bold font

You didn’t TELL us anything, you linked us to a wiki page.


You’re literally not explaining anything. You still haven’t explained pineapples. You can’t just say something was an rt and expect that to explain things.

What’s your point?