Ritual Mafia V - Game Over - Heretics and Traitor Win

And if you don’t care if other players have fun or not, you don’t really have a place here I’m afraid.

my major problem is I have correct reads but I don’t push for them

I know exactly what you’re doing. You’re trying to annoy me so that I look as scummy as possible so that you can misexe me.

You can push your scumreads without being a jerk about it.

this pings me

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The eorst part is you doubling down on this toxic behavior and not even apologizing for it.


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Now good night for real. :sleepingleafeon:


It kinda townie ngl

I don’t see

Were you complacent in thos games or everyone else?

I was never 100 percent confident in any of my reads, so I can’t imagine how would felt in all of those times.


Read this game It’s a Semi Anon mash but i’m Resphigri

…this is an interesting readlist

I will, when I have time.

I can be trusted with guns

Me too

That doesn’t matter, pushing low-posters to execution at day 1 accomplishes nothing

Looking at Someone for example :eyes:

Ah yeah well, we are on same page then