[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.

oh wait so hes has 2 healthbars?

So anyhow, as I was saying: I simply don’t have insurance.

What Mercs have is: “If an attack lands dealing 4 damage, but a Merc has 1/10 HP, then it will instead go to 0/10 HP. However, if another attack lands dealing 2 damage, then the Merc’s HP becomes 0/6 HP because of double damage.”

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his second healthbar cannot take damage, its only a number to show how high his health can go
your second healthbar can take damage, and its a number to show how high your health can go


Meanwhile, if Cadets hit 0/X HP, then it’s just an instant game over.


I don’t know what I fear more.
The fact that Mercs can act even on 0/X HP,
or the idea of multi-attacks.

Wait we take double damage on the second health bar?

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Wait what does this bit mean?

you take 2x more damage when in absolute health and your dodge is cut in half when your first healthbar hits 0

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oh ok, 1/2 dodge

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If you take 2 damage, then it will be doubled, and then you take that much damage to your absolute health bar.
–so yeah, it might as well deal double damage.

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I just realized this, but… does this mean that (for this game) Mercenary = Agent?

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Im the only one thats not an Agent

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…? But Atlas. That’s incorrect. You wrote 0.50%. That is not fifty percent; that is zero point fifty percent. In other words, it is not 1/2, but rather 1/200.


…we dont tqlk about this


blinks innocently


I wanna say something related to math, but I’ll let that slide. What I won’t let slide is my advice to just say “Dodge is cut by half rounded down” rather than “reduced by the closest equivalent of X%” because it could be misinterpreted as: “Your new Dodge is your old Dodge minus X.”

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imma be real i haven’t paid any attention at all to any of the stats

my character is built solely off of what makes sense RP wise and thus will be horribly unoptimized