[RP] T.O.M.M.Y.G.U.N - Someone, Zone_Q11, Keldi, and Squirrel2412 lived.

pretty sure its 9 total

Oh boy.

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hold on im updating everyones rolecards because some genius messed something up


So we start at Lv.1 and each time we level up, we get a stat point?




So… what are these and what are their differences?

magics is stronger and doesnt regen
magick is weaker and regens
world-wise magic is from something else while magick is your own power

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start with 9 stat points

+1 for each lvl up (in example rolecard, this would be 7)

+x for abilities that give specific stat points (in example, this would be +5 total across address, agility, rhetoric)

+x for downgrades (in example, +3)

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So… What is mana?
Magic or Magicks?
(Also, for the love of English, please choose a different name. Magic can remain as is, but if Magick comes from “the self” then how about Spirit?)

i hate english


oh same

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mana is the amount of times you can slam somebody with a magic/kal attack/heal/whatever before you have to do something else

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actually i can get behind Spirit

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Qi, Spirit, Prana– whatever word that isn’t “the same word plus one letter” is better than what we have now.

****, now I have an idea for a setup.
Spelling FM; where literally every letter matters.

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o noes

souns realy dificult

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If I do end up joining this, be well aware that mechanics and hyper-fancy contingency plans (I am thinking about a certain someone as I type this) are not my thing. I operate on Rule of Cool, Funny, Drama, what have you. I may be stupid


And disclaimer. Because I unfortunately have Mental Illness Disorder, if I join this, my options are either generate a new motherfucker in my brain (who WILL end up splitting as an alter), or use a pre-existing bastard. So I hope you like textwalls of pre-existing lore.


I am once again awake and prepared to sign up.
Will you be needing replacements?

…probably not
theres an entire low-effort role created for that effect

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