SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

Ya nvm

Unrelated but lin prov v

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Voted Voters Votes
Leafia Sirderpsalot, Zone,windwardaway 3/10
Atlas Aelin, EliThePsycho, min 3/10
Silvu Litten, wazza 2/10
Italy Youbutworse 1/10
min Blizer 1/10
Blizer Leafia 1/10

I have been revived from the dead!

and uh I still need to read another gamethread one moment

No, you are just mean

I have been aggressively ignoring it

Btw how and why did you reach this conclusion, Atlas?

Ok Iā€™ve really wanted to have this argument for a while now

So uh

Iā€™ve been with you guys for like 6 months, and you lot are extremely like ā€œnooo donā€™t insult peopleā€ while doing a lot worse yourselves half the time


Reading his iso


Theres nothing to it becayse yall canā€™t look into my brain

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Iā€™ve swore at a person once and it was when I got really tired of them

Half the time I talk people tell me the only thing I have is anger

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If youā€™re trying to imply I ā€œdo worseā€ youā€™re literally wrong. The only time I ever was actively extremely angry at you is when you actively were provoking me.

Because believe it or not people arenā€™t soft for not wanting to be insulted

Youā€™ve said a lot worse things about me that Iā€™ve said to you

Bullshit lmao

I played in gold rush

might i know why

I got regularly insulted the entire game by people calling me an asshole and stuff

Gonna take a look at that