SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

i mean
thats terrible

alright ill keep that in mind


Atlas, what’s your current read on YBW? you said earlier his content was decent for the number of posts he had, but you’re saying his push on you isn’t great.

i explained before

he has bad reasons at best and still hasn’t explained why what I said wouldn’t make sense from a towny mindset

also to answer your question the main starter of the push was him

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Well I’m going to get back to that once he gives more content, at the moment I see it pointless to beat on him about it when all I really want him to do is change his ways, at the moment I still want Atlas dead anyway so I’d rather focus on what I want to happen by the end of the day than making some comments about something I don’t really care about at the moment in the offchance I die

Watch out for Bandwagon effect. Because the others do something, that doesn’t mean it’s set in stone.

Idk what you’re trying to warn me about. I’m just seeing how the day goes lol.

I’m not hopping on the wagon because “Atlas is scum because other people say he’s scum”, I gave my own reasons for disliking his slot but my votes on Leafia.


Oh, I thought you’re arguing that Atlas is objectively scummy because aren’t there like a bunch of people already voting him?

there’s I believe min aelin wazza ybw eli

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Alright, but do you think it’s likely?
scale it from 1-10 1 being no 10 being yes

from what i can tell there havent been any new votes
also i just noticed i missed something else

alright nod nod


itsa me a mario

i want to come back to this later

silviu sounds like hes reading word for word from something :joy_cat:


min unvoted you earlier

No, I thought you were asking why I was calling him objectively scummy, rather than subjectively scummy, and I was just pointing out that the sentiment seems widely shared.

Please explain who you think are the possible scumteams and how I fit on most of them and how none of the ones that I don’t fit on make any sense.

Got it.

Wow I sound like wikipedia apparently


its true

im not putting too much focus into the game until I feel like it


granted given its me my focus will fluctuate

Bruh I already did this
You could be scum with Zone because of how Zone reacted when I pointed out a discrepancy in your wording
You could be scum with Atlas if he’s distancing from you
I don’t think there’s anyone it would be unreasonable for you to be on a scumteam with, actually. I’ve seen what I thought were partnery interactions but I’ve seen no interactions that make me think you’re definitely not scum with one particular player.

right now I’m in “I’m focused but can’t be bothered to read anything”


Oh ye I forgot to mention I was dipping
I’ve been here like an hour already lol