SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

I need to cook dinner but I’m lazy

Are you suffering from FOMO? :eye:

I think only half the player list is actually playing the game
And I’m not sure if it means the town is on track to destroy itself, or if we have power wolves in the thread

I’m suffering from having a comfortable sofa

im a quarter playing the game so woo

also probably both

DJ Khaled - Suffering from Success

Are you power wolfing in the thread :flushed:

yes. I have a secret ability that turns all votes on me into my votes


you guys are finished when my four wolf partners get here


End the game on D1 let’s go

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I know I’m voting you as well, along with one more person.

no five people are voting me not two

Does Derps still exist

I’d have to say a 4 at the moment.

hes prob either busy or hes lurking its Derps

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Derpy is afraid of defending his pink brother (he’s blue)

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Wouldn’t that be ironic lol


Hes afraid of me stealing his identity


Ummm, that’s only two people. This is an 18 player game. Two isn’t most of 18.

its 2/16