SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

which is half if you think about it hard enough

Excluding me
Excluding you
16 players left
2 of which are stronger contenders than the rest
And 14 of which you could still be partnered with because you haven’t done anything to make me think otherwise

Also a lot of those players are just MIA

That’s why I said me and one other person. I meant other from the three mentioned.

thanks for stealing my post smh

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I don’t usually see you feel so defeatist. It’s not near EoD yet.
My issue with the fact that you’re not usually like this is idk if this is wolf or town feelings from you >.>
Do you have any recent wolf games I can look over?

i posted my last wolfgame a while ago

good luck

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That’s true of practically everyone in the game Wind. Anyone could be partners with anyone else right now. The only person that each person knows can’t be partnered with anyone is themselves.

lost lost wolf


This made me giggle a bit admittedly. A lost wolf that thinks they’re a villager.

that’s called a sleeper

also the last game I had a similar situation was cicinona or however you spell it

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That actually happened to me once, except I was the PR

That’s an actual thing?

its like Marionette pretty sure

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what if I told y’all squirrel was outted scum

I’d wait for your reasons

Wouldn’t jump on it until you explained

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