SCP FM (4/18) - Game Thread, Ended, Foundation and GOC wins.

It’s extremely frustrating to attempt to solve when there’s so little to go off, and if I’m being honest because I’m a heavy mech solver, the people who aren’t really posting today are imo at risk of also treeing if they are PRs, so that’s pretty fucking useless

And if they’re just wolves they can also lie and say they treed and not have to answer any questions

Which is totally stupid

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Same but I don’t want to discuss replacements


I’ll give my reads and whatever other thoughts I have before EoD
But I’m gonna wait first to see if anyone posts things while I’m asleep since it’s getting late and I’m exhausted
Later, peeps

Yeah, we probably shouldn’t.

This is very blatantly directed at the people who have posted nothing of substance btw
Make yourselves readable

Good night Wind.

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I can’t wrap my head around this exchange, what exactly is weird about their wording

Im bored.

Im claiming neutral.

Both are true. Have fun.


Nope, still bored.
Claiming didn’t help.

Oh well.

Eevee do you mind if I join you in being bored

I just realized that this game isn’t actually fun

no way
me too :flushed:

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oh my wincon is to kill all neutrals

I mean uhhhh yeah go neutrals woo

i honestly think that nobody wants to play this

which is uh

starting to become a bad trend

My only complaint is that I wish people were a bit more active. Best case scenario is that the scumteam is entirely in the inactives but I doubt we’re that lucky.

Speak for yourself. I’m enjoying the game. Then again, I always enjoy th eww se FM games. I think the inactivity may be partly due to Christmas coming up and people needing to prepare for it.

Christmas is in 14 days

Shopping doesn’t take that long

People tend to do their Christmas shopping at different times and that’s not the only preparation needed.

Its not just Christmas things is my point

This just isn’t enjoyable

i at least have an excuse

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