Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

I think I know who the demon is right now; and it explains the weird gossip kill.

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Wait hwat


Okay thatā€™s why mt Grim is so strange

atlas was adamant that gossip for demon in 1-8 triggered. they told me, may and kiiruma that the other gossipers are to be disregarded. can i confirm if youā€™re still confident atlas is town, litten? like 100% sure? 99% sure?

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Yeah Atlas said thr gossip was for suresies 1-8

Iā€™m pretty sure they are town, but they might be mistakened and not lying on purpose.

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I am So confused

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If the gossip indeed procd from 1-8 then Iā€™m fine with killing in 1-8 but if it didnā€™t then I think the artist is fake and we should go after the actual demon.

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Next game can I have information always for free :pleading_face:


who even claimed artist? i can tell thereā€™s 0% chance ur willing to talk about it. i guess im talking to myself. ive received no artist claims. why donā€™t we just kill them for the sin of lying?

See the problem is if they are lying I donā€™t think they are the demon either.

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very well. but if they are a minion their motivation for lying is to clear the demon, who would be sitting outside 1-8

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Yeah exactly

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My grimoire makes perfect sense from my perspective, I think itā€™s fair to say I have more information than atlas because my grimoire makes sense, not sure what atlas grimoire is cooking though.

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You have all the claims from most people I presume. What minion do you think otter was?

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You know otter claimed pixie I presume. They canā€™t be Hui Jing if a pixie is actually in play as that doesnā€™t make sense. So if they are evil, itā€™s a different minion. And you know a liar then.

i have no claims from bionic, artemis, and someone. no claims from jarek too technically but he is obvious about his claim

i dont really know how to differentiate between minions. not huli jing because she would have a lot of fake claims

Thatā€™s incorrect, you gave the grimoire to luka which included artemis role