Serpent and the Swordsman - Day 4 [6/15]

So about that demon

I think itā€™s fine for a script to be confusing. Itā€™s hard when this script is a lot more arbitrary than BMR admittedly, but itā€™s not completely predictable either.


At least people agree that makes me feel better because I expected everyone to praise this role as the best thing in BOTC for whatever reason

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savants the best

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fight me, mag

I would have fun randing it but I get your concerns
Admittedly I would also be happy with chef

Savant is number one on my list, silence yourself.

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it was amnesiac like 90 days ago!

Hereā€™s your two pieces of information, one of which is true, one of which is false

You are the leech host
Atlas is the leech host

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Amnesiac is number second!

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I wouldnā€™t like chef or this role but the difference would be that I would at least know that I have 0 impact as chef, which is why itā€™s not as bad

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amnesiac isnt even that fun!
i like chef bettter!!!

You start knowing you will have absolutely zero impact on the game.

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May isnā€™t complaining about their role

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I think this would be funny.

ā€œLegion is in play.ā€
ā€œThe evil team is winning.ā€

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Iā€™m cute and never complain and ym favourite role in mafia is VT

Theyā€™re having a great time playing the demon.

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These people donā€™t know that Chefs win games.

I got the most fucked out of eveyone and Iā€™m not saying shit I donā€™t care

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Especially with fifteen players, like damn.
Chef information right now just solves it.