Serpent and the Swordsman (Thread 2) - Deathkissed Win [4/15]

As a Storyteller, you’d generally want to facilitate open-ended abilities as the players with those powers would like them used, or else in a predictable manner. If you’re the Courtier and you drink with an ongoing town role because you distrust their slot, why shouldn’t the ST make those effects just distinguishable enough to signal they’re drunk?

On the other hand, roles like Philosopher / Innkeeper / Gossip have benefits and drawbacks, and those drawbacks usually aren’t helpful if you’re going for maximum power.

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yea and as Sailor

This is the difference between “Pacifist saving useful characters” and “Gossip killing half the evil team”, if you’re wondering.

Did May vanish?

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They do do that

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May isn’t the Demon or else Baker wouldn’t have wanted to whisper me first.

Are you the demon, then?

Absolutely. Don’t tell anyone, though.

I get bored

Is there a reason that Baker is outed other than that Silviu is potentially CCing him?

For everyone’s convenience.

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Claiming three different roles, refusing to acknowledge certain topics in a private thread with L.una and Atlas in a suspicious way (their testimony), fighting to live just one more day before backing into Mutant (which wouldn’t necessarily care to live) and glumly self-voting.

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Baker voted everyone except for themselves on D3 before self-voting, and if the Bishop information greatly mattered to them they would’ve voted someone specific. I think they wanted to outlive the Bishop nomination and potentially force a misexe / exile before dying.

bookmarked (travelling rn so cant update op)

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This game can’t be solved I don’t think there’s worlds for everyone yawn
If I was Magnus and I was good I could solve I think but that’s it

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Then we need a DA in the minions


Aw, thanks.

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We have a Huli Jing that’s totally good enough. :billed_cap:

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