Serpent and the Swordsman (Thread 2) - Deathkissed Win [4/15]

Absolutely. Don’t tell anyone, though.

I get bored

Is there a reason that Baker is outed other than that Silviu is potentially CCing him?

For everyone’s convenience.

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Claiming three different roles, refusing to acknowledge certain topics in a private thread with L.una and Atlas in a suspicious way (their testimony), fighting to live just one more day before backing into Mutant (which wouldn’t necessarily care to live) and glumly self-voting.

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Baker voted everyone except for themselves on D3 before self-voting, and if the Bishop information greatly mattered to them they would’ve voted someone specific. I think they wanted to outlive the Bishop nomination and potentially force a misexe / exile before dying.

bookmarked (travelling rn so cant update op)

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This game can’t be solved I don’t think there’s worlds for everyone yawn
If I was Magnus and I was good I could solve I think but that’s it

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Then we need a DA in the minions


Aw, thanks.

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We have a Huli Jing that’s totally good enough. :billed_cap:

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The huli jing opens up way too many possibilities on this script to be balanced XD. I guess this is what testing is for

Who nommed Artimes?

I did, around ten hours ago.

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I’m not going to falsely accuse myself.
The only basis for suspecting you as a Demon are the repeated whispers with Baker (and theoretically Kiiruma as an unlikely evil Bishop, which isn’t entirely questionable given your status as friends).
Silviu feels like a Huli Jing at worse unless they became the Demon at a later point due to being nominated Day 1 and their presumed lack of stress, although it’s worth noting they neighbour Artemis.
I’m clearing Tutuu, and in order for me to be droisoned on Night 1 by a Huli Jing, Artemis couldn’t have been droisoned in my place due to the Minstrel check occurring at dusk.
May also feels like a Minion at worst due to his Innkeeper-protected target dying in the night, when as the Demon she would’ve had a safer course of action than claiming drunk entering the day. Their whisper on the first day with Artemis, in which they allegedly did not swap roleclaims, feels evil-partnered; and his unvote on Artemis yesterday at EOD to execute Bionic reads potentially like spew.

Speaking of Bionic, the three deaths last night means today is not a Mastermind day. I think this should all be concise.


hello sisters

im sick

i was thinking between may and artemis. i still am. i can share later when i feel more. alive. also i dreamt about may


Which good and evil characters did you dream May as?