Serpent and the Swordsman (Thread 2) - Deathkissed Win [4/15]

same problem po charge

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Not everyone always knows to Po charge

Silviu has a lot of experience right

you’re gonna have to convince me with non-silviu worlds

i don’t see art not whispering to them “im hagging you, idle tonight” via neighbours

Otter whispered me first even though they neighboured May on the other side, which they would have no reason to do unless they wished to coordinate with me due to some measure of trust. If they didn’t care and wanted to do their own thing, they would’ve been more active than they were and they would’ve had no reason to message me in the first place.

Baker wanted us three to whisper and we were chatting for a while. If we built up a convoluted fake whisper during that time, and we all planned to pass secret Ace Attorney messages if we heard about the existence of certain claims or to fakeclaim together, saying that Baker would “counterclaim three-roles then back into Mutant before dying”, which is an obvious measure of them lacking a bluff, was just them disobeying instructions for NO discernible reason when Baker has established from previous games that we can play together in private whispers… no, you can’t justify this. Baker was willing to play along in the Vizitor game when we were both evil, so nothing should’ve been different here.

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you’ve clobbered my argument
whos the evil team

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Assume it’s not me or Tutuu. Jarek is dead. Kiiruma is reading socially good unless Hazard is the Demon, who we don’t outwardly suspect as such. Artemis is the only candidate left from Bishop pings.

whats the evil team in that world

Mechanically, any combination of two in Magnus / May / Artemis works.

so what roles are may/artemis, magnus.

You’re confident in v!Silviu and while I don’t really buy it, given that their main reason to dislike loathing evil is having to lie moorless for extended periods of time wouldn’t apply here, that would close out the Silviu/Jarek world.

Jarek could still totally be evil from the Exorcist thing earlier, but that doesn’t really change anything if he is except there would only be one evil alive now, and they wouldn’t be the Po.

Probably turned into the Pukka given that world, which could explain May’s action failure if anything. But whatever.

where’d you get this assumption from?

none of us believe he’s evil/

I think we discussed Mafia half a year ago.

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also they’re really really terrible at it.
not able to make a common sense argument terrible
the only way they’d be evil is with you or art, neither of which i believe for other reasons

Belief and assumption aren’t quite the same thing.

an acceptance that something exists or is true, especially one without proof.

thats the term for “belief”