Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

There are mech reasons that if I do have a vig shot, I cannot target Gocj with this.

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What are they?

Pretty much immune to my actions

My interlude action I mean, thats what I showed to Gocj.

i’m moreso asking for opinions and feedback on the read

i don’t have the strongest trust in the collective (like, ever, not strictly relating to this game) but i want to hear people out

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So with that out of the way, I am more or less a villager now. Is it possible to grant a new ability, cant say it will, but one can hope.

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Starting to think Catbae is at least slightly likely to be a villager here. I like how he’s treating this bomb situation. It’s a good look for him.

Yes one can.

Wait why are we clearing Frost

This post is a whole lot of nothing, I’m going to be completely real here, your entire thing here is practically nothing and is assuming we know your perspective (which we don’t), you’re making an assumption that Bionic somehow knew that you were lying (which would be ridiculous and I’m not willing to entertain that thought)

The entire reason you’re being suspected because of Bionic’s flip is because we’re assuming you knew, you knowing is quite literally what makes you wolf, yet all you’re pestering and pretentiously claiming around is that you didn’t know, which means jackshit when in reality, that’s a good portion of the push, the belief that you did know and that you’re lying about not knowing.

You’re expecting to get people to move from your wagon through the claim that you didn’t know, which is ultimately a ridiculous defence, it’d be like if someone called you scum and you went “no I’m town” and expecting people to go along with it.

Stupidity that people are genuinely going along with this, I personally think Kanave is town but I can understand your push, throughout my hood with them I personally think they’re proven themselves to be townie enough so I’m not going to entertain this and as willing as I am to acknowledge your continuance in pressuring the fact I obviously didn’t know about it either, it’s not an assumption I can make in your regard.

Claiming that sure, Bionic might’ve believed the check was real, means absolutely nothing here, a wolf being bussed can believe the same exact thing.

Even after Bionic basically openwolfed, you still kept up the fakeclaim for long periods after, I’m not willing to deviate from your wagon, there’s too much against you and I’m not a believer in TWTBAW

This is fair enough but don’t you think Frost would’ve handled that differently if he was Bionic’s partner? I mean, he would’ve known that Bionic’s flip would doom him, so why didn’t he at least keep us believing that Bionic was exe immune if he was Bionic’s partner?

i’m not clearing him, but his posts continue to feel genuine despite the suspicion and he’s actually trying to solve which is more than i can say for most

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i am prob going to resolve a wagon as it is the protown thing to do

Mindmeld with me honestly.

Good idea.

People should also look back at the bionic’s flip often and realize I am not letting this stamp over me without resistance like Bionic did.

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The best I can do is not causing more townie deaths on my conscience

That’s the best any of us villagers can do.

Oh hell @Kiiruma if you really have achro as a hydra, what are their reads

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Going to head out for now too. Sleepy Leafeon is sleepy.