Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

Oh you were notified of the missing bpv?

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I do get informed.

ok that changes my thoughts then lol.
I thought you were just making a massive shot in the dark.

Bionic is a shot in the dark and its a hit.

I don’t think town PGO and missing mafia factional attack make sense

But you are right about me voting in majority wagons last day, it is a issue to my creditibility.

But look further back at Day 1 I mentioned it multiple times.

Bionic pinged players to vote Zug, the only mafia that helps Bionic in that situation and further evidence I said today can only mean Gocj and Leafia.

Notice the voting pattern?

That is their plan to unlock Bionic and yet Leafia and Gocj accused me for this ability or at least two abilities:

They know they will be mincemeat when I die, my reasoning is irrefutable, but the majority wouldnt catch on that my interlude ability will always fail because they are mafia and know how my ability works, further TMI that you are town Hazard, because they know I am bullshitting about this ability cop check.


How? I did visit Leafia after all, they will be informed about my interlude ability and will become immune to that ability I can use.

Gocj received his at Night 1

They know they can’t deny I visited them, so I have no reason to lie about my BPV passive.


Hazzard is like 90% just town from the CFD yesterday too tbh

Sorry knocked the fuck out. I like your thought process here it actually sounds like it comes from somewhere lol.
@Leafia @Gocj Your turn.

Pretty sure Gocj is a villager at this point.

Host admitted it was a joke.

You’d be dead if I had a veteran ability and used it last night.

No. You’d be desd if I did.

Use your head Frost. Why wouldn’t mafia kill Catbae directly? Because that’s what happened. If I had a veteral ability then why didn’t Zug die at night and why would I use it last night when things were so good for me if I’m wolf. You’re literally not thinking Frost.

There’s pl% chance you think I have any chance of being a wolf and you know it Frost. We can’t
to me on the night I traveled to happen again too. give into ear and speculation or we will lose. I will admit that I actually do have one ability that I haven’t mentioned though and it’s a night ability. Na.ely the ability to travel back to a previous night and have all visits to me fail. So whatever you did didn’t work. All visits to me that happened to me on the night I traveled to happen again too. I thought of travelling to N2 in the hopes that Zug’s effect would go off again and confirm me, but in the end I travelled to N1 when no one visited me.

*There’s 0%

Besides, if Catbae was killed because he visited me, where’s the mafia kill?

And how was Cabae cleaned? That’s literally impossible unless Catbae was the factional kill.

Frost, you’re literally not thinking right now. Please get your vote back on a wolf.

Explain why this is the case?

This is sort of a good point but it’s also arbitrary

the main thing I’m looking at would be the missing night kill here if Frost survived visiting Leafia

Isn’t it obvious? A veteran ability kills all visitors. You visited me last night and if I had a veteran ability that killed Catbae, how was Catbae cleaned?