Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 1

I mean, I did say it’s not gonna be easy to confirm.
But if it happens, it’s pretty +ev for town.



Incorrect. I also find it hard to believe that everyone talking about Genshin Impact was a villager. Talk like that is the type of stuff that wolves love.

Almost willing to locktown Kiiruma at this point from everything I’ve seen from him. What he’s done would be a very stupid thing to do as a wolf regardless of if Gocj is a wolf or not and zkiiruma is smarter than that.

I’m not so sure, but it’s villagery enough for me to do this: UNVOTE

Yes it is dumb.

Not sure how I feel about Catbae’s shading of me right now. Nothing artificial about me not OMGUSing someone. It’s called improving as a player and funnily enough, last time I did so as a villager, I was suspected for it too. It actually amuses me a bit.

Giving Frost a moderate townlean for this.

Everyone does. Welcome to the club.

We were way past RVS at that point Wazza.

I’m willing to sheep this. Guava has really slipped for me after all. VOTE: Guava

Alright I find it quite annoying to be a late joiner because I feel like everyone already has their pet towncore and ready to prey anyone who isn’t in it for whatever they post

Gotta give me some time

Hell I’ll prob only be able to effectively play this game D3 or D4 onwards

Are you wolf

Is it wrong to volume townread Gocj and bystander?

It’s not a strong read, just a direction for now

gocj bit, your approach to the sirderps vote struck as maybe opportunistic, wasn’t feeling anything else you’d posted

No, I am not

Stop asking loaded questions

Maybe it’s wrong to volume townread Gocj here at least

I’d say so

it’s pretty lazy and i think you know that

I am not volume cleared, i top post as either

Yep, but I have exactly nothing to work with

I figured

If all your posts are asking loaded questions then it’s really bad

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i don’t get it

Thats sus…

There’s literally no good answer for “Are you wolf”

Either you joke about it which looks performative

Or you deny it which looks defensive

okay what do you think about this thing I pointed out between kiiruma and leafia

What is the thing you pointed out between Kiiruma and Leafia?

Joking about being a wolf is more fun.