Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 2 - Game Over (Mafia Wins)

Good night then. I think I’ll call it a night too. :sleepingleafeon:

No he didn’t. Although if he did, I didn’t notice it so no scumslip.

Now good night. :sleepingleafeon:

the slip is that you have tmi on the actual role ;-;



That will be all

regarding balance I’ll accept the complaint that town kp was excessively gimmicky


this is way too much

someone very clearly knows how to play the game. like given everything i understand being upset by someone not talking as much as they can but like someone obviously knows how to play mafia lol. i dont think its fair to be like. this. to them.

not that i agree that catbae threw or anything, but i think a lot of players need to evolve a lot more and understand people’s playstyles. even if you personally believe they are antitown. some people are trolly. some people fluff an insane amount. etc. etc. i think a huge problem is the fact that people are continuing to make faulty reads on others due to their playstyle and not because of their individual posts. if you know a player is harder to read, its extremely easy to work around and instead of punishing them for the way they personally play the game, we should encourage them to speak more by pinging them in discussions and asking them more questions on things- even if it doesn’t work very well at first. or- we use mechanics on the players that are more difficult to read more often. it isnt net negative to do that, because now you either have a lock town or a lock wolf


ok no I will speak further

both sides have objectively broken tools but kps / clears / numbers are balanced and that’s most of what you can control when the powerlevel is “yes” rather than actually existing on the weak to strong spectrum

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sorry im late but its just my thoughts

i understand where someone is coming from. that mindset comes from someone who feels they arent listened to. but i also agree that talking about the reads you are not confident in IS a good idea, and i encourage you to do it more. because even if you aren’t actively reaching anywhere in terms of confidence, you are getting responses from people that you can delve deeper into. @Someone


Geyde how would you feel if you spent your time finding mafia because they misplayed, only for mafia to get rewarded regardless of whether you lynch them, day kill them, etc.

Hazard’s role rewards mafia by simply existing. Not to mention, you buff the LW by letting it join scum chat and giving wolves tools to find it.

I think labeling the game as -sided actually limits the consideration that the tools in this game are often so opaque as to rely on player skill a lot more

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I think you’re framing the lw kills incorrectly and are mischaracterizing what it actually does heavily because you haven’t considered the other play patterns

I mean you’re probably right.

yes, it gives mafia kills when it dies early
but it also joins the chat if it doesn’t die after enough time

that’s the play pattern

and still gains extra kills

oh did i mention i can clean people too

and it gains more than just killing it early

killing it is pro-town
not killing it is not good for town