Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 2 - Game Over (Mafia Wins)

That’s not an “accusation”

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yes that is lolwut

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the burden of misinformation goes both ways as mafia were not helped when it came to the possibility of mole mechanics

having things like these with the purpose to potentially mislead people are deep bastard design conventions
being worse to players in bastard is seen as normal but a serious attempt to avoid wasting people’s time was made

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i do think we have been kinda mean but like.

an accusation has negative connotations as if im trying to ‘get’ someone for something
I’m not trying to ‘accuse’ him at all

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in fact, having mechanics that can potentially mislead is core closed setup game design
it’s not strange or unfair

if you are given a tool with niche application that niche may not be present

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that’s why I said “genuinely honest”
I wasn’t being nasty I was literally being as I said genuinely honest, and if they want to improve that is my suggestion

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What mafia role had an ability that misled them

i believe you but from experience this post kinda felt like that but given your explanation it makes more sense as something that was just a suggestion now

it was not a role

they were actively not allowed to post actions in mafia chat and couldn’t screenshot their role cards, as the possibility for a mole was left open to them.



please read me talking about the factional lack of confirmation about a lack of moles
that’s not an ability but it still can lead to potential misplays

okay. well I believe from 100% truth that if someone wants to improve they need to go into those games where they’ll realise that their philosophy of “actions” just doesn’t work. that’s what I was trying to get across. no idea where this “accusation” rhetoric has come from considering I was intentionally trying to lean the other way as to not appear “accusatory”

litterally everyone of my abilitie had a downside geyde

villagers cannot have that sort of misinformation without it being utterly obnoxious (see Clown Fiesta 2 for how that experiment turned out)

most roles in this games are full of conditions
this includes most mafia roles

having specific debuffs is the less pervasive design principle

And what Debuff did Hazard’s role have?

you are not honestly engaging with my post with that question

hazard’s role has conditions for the effects to be useful

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the condition of

do I get 2 extra kp for existing + clean or do I get 3 extra kp + mafia chat + clean