Singers FM - Day 4 [10/20] - Thread 2 - Game Over (Mafia Wins)

afair I suspected Frost D3 for fakeclaiming the lynchproof thing but then eventually dropped it/didn’t find it worth pursuing

If Frost is a wolf here it’s probably for other reasons

It’s far more incriminting than you think.

I still think this part besides the bomb bit is enough condemning for creature let me get the quotes

I just gave reasons as to why it isn’t that much incriminating:

  1. There was no way town could figure Bionic would have those abilities
  2. Suggesting day KP to be used on outed wolf is quite a common strategy (do you even disagree with this?)
  3. I floated that idea at like 2-3 posts, but then just didn’t bother about it anymore

When that plouted wolf s top wagon it isn’ as common as you might think and you’re ignoring why it’s more incriminating thn you think.

Ive explained several times why this is wolf blep

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This is the only reason you gave that’s even semivalid.

At least in MU a lot of players would suggest day KP to be used on outed wolf and then they find another player to lynch (even if there is like only one hour left)

Is FoL that different?

Yes it is from my experiance.

The other two reasons were reasons why town would suggest that

You can call it wolfy coincidence or whatever, but you can’t say that’s abnormal for town to do

Alright so I come from MU and MU culture is to always use day KP on outed wolf

MU values lynch and VCA a lot, hence why MU players would rather day KP be used on outed wolf and find an unouted wolf via lynch as opposed to risking shooting town with the day KP

I think bystander is the only MU player besides me who is still alive

I suppose bystander would prob agree that using KP on outed wolf is better than lynching outed wolf

Yes I can with how you’re trying to downply how wolfy your actions were. That’s extremely wolfy play. As well as how TMIy you seem, like you have TMI on things.

I am giving my town perspective on them. It doesn’t make sense for me to call my own actions wolfy when I know they aren’t.

What TMI thing do I have? I don’t think I have ever seen you say what was TMIy about my posts.

It’s quite abysmal how you expect me to call my own actions “extremely wolfy”

What tf does that even accomplish?

How does it make sense to townread someone for calling their own actions “extremely wolfy”?

They literally are wolfy. That’s the thing.

You’ve called wolfy players town without explaining why you think they’re town. Basically.

Wolves are far less likely to admit that their actions have been wolfy than villagers are.

Who are the wolfy players I called town?

Also perhaps we have two distinct definitions of “wolfy”

I don’t even remember. Anyway, I think it’s best if I head out for now. I need to think things through. :sleepingleafeon:

Well that’s playstyle-based then

I wouldn’t call my posts wolfy as town because I know I am not wolf-motivated

I could maybe say why someone would find them wolfy, but they’d still be wrong

Instead I try to explain what were my exact thoughts when I made them and why it was town-motivated